Chapter 35 : Cookie Dough

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September 2014, Los Angeles

"Okay. So I have your ticket for Singapore tomorrow morning. Alicia's here to pick it up. Will you be alright from here on? I'm sorry it's a day later than we first planned." Ruth rattled her instructions and last-minute checks over the phone piece in my ear.

"Yes yes it's okay" I said as I carefully stirred a unbake mixture of cookie dough.

My flight was moved to tomorrow morning. I thought It was my last day here yesterday. Good thing I still have an extra day of my short vacay. Tomorrow I have to go back to set already to continue shooting for Equals. I miss my place, It feels like I've been gone forever and not only a month. I miss my dogs, all three of them. Sometimes I wish I can bring them with me, but that's not gonna happen, someone needs them too, and he won't like it if I just jet them half way around the world without his permission.

Hmm...Interesting thought. Wonder how he'll react if he suddenly comes home and won't find them here if he visits.

My thoughts went around the possibilities and I ended up staring at my over mixed dough. Darn it. Damn it. Dagnabbit.

Nothing productive comes from thoughts of him lately. Haven't I learned my lesson enough already?

I sighed and set aside the mixture while I heated the oven, bending to remove the pan i stashed in earlier.

Suddenly, like an unwelcome force, my current situation reminded me of nostalgic memories.

"What are you cooking, Babe?" He whispered behind me as his hand snaked around my waist while I set the oven.

I squealed surprised at his sudden presence while he laughed and continue to nuzzle my neck.

"Rob, I'm sweaty" I scolded as I turned in his arms.

"It's alright, I'll just lick you all over" He teased then proceeded to shower me with kisses from my forehead to my nose, to both my cheeks, my chin, to the side of my jaw then slowly proceeding to nibble my lower lip while he enjoyed me squirming in lust in his arms.

"Honey...the won't cook if...if we do this" I stammered as I tried to control my reaction to him. But it was futile, I was a goner like always.

"It's okay...I love raw dough...I love it if it's yours" He laughed as he proceeded to draw me closer and hover an inch over my lips like a tease. "I it!" he pronounced.

He then fell silent as he stared at my eyes, and at that moment, the giggly Rob fell away. He slowly reached up to wipe a smudge of flour on the side of my nose then slowly inspected me, running his fingers to every contour of my face as if trying to commit my face into his memories. He smiled a little smile and whispered with all the sincerity I rarely hear from him. "I love you so much."

And I knew that cookie will never get baked anytime soon, the baker was too weak in the knees and her heart was about to explode from the emotions.

Moments like these, they always leave me breathless, and most of the time, out of words. So I just stared at him in wonder. I wondered and wondered on how lucky I was to have a love like that.



The dogs went berserk as the empty pan fell from my shaking hands.

Good thing it was empty or I'll have a hell of a time scrubbing cookie dough from the hardwood floors.

Where was I? Damn it. I was lost in my thoughts again. How many times Kristen? How many times do you have to torture yourself before you learn your lesson?!

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