Battle for new York pt.1

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(My pov ~)
As I Wright the recipe down as I gather the chemicals and put it in the plutonium. "Ok, now the three ingredients."I whispered as I put the Apple core in, a fish skeleton with the head still has meat. I grab a slice and move it to the side. "Bite."I said as I hear a chomp then put the slice in. "Ok, I do believe that this plutonium should react wildly then set it to a normal phase with the sodium carbonate. What do you think professer Mikey and ice cream kitty?"I asked as I turn to them. They nodded as I got the retro mutagen that Donnie is working on and I gather a sample of the plutonium with the medicine for the mouth. "Then perhaps I should add this hyperbole solution to Donnie's retro mutagen in case my calculations are correct, luckily I made the same one that where Donnie is."I said as I put the retro mutagen at the floor carefully. I got the thing with the plutonium ready. "Alix?"Donnie asked as I see him by the doorway rubbing his eyes. I waved. "Hi Donnie. You might wanna take cover."I said as I get ready to run. "HAVE YOU LOST YOUR SHELL?!" Donnie said. I shake my head. "Look at the board over there."I said as we look at the bar to see the equations that I've done. "I calculated the equations along with the chemicals I put in that I would make the most amazing beautiful chemical in all of kraang science conspiracy!"I said. He look shocked. "I know that you have been brewing the retro mutagen for months. Luckily, I made the same one, just in case something goes wrong. So, what do you say Donnie? Give it a try?"I asked. He look at me as I made a determined look. Then he did the same and nodded. "Good, quickly take cover under the desk."I said. He nodded and went under the desk. "Ok, steady Alix. Steady..."I said as I manage to squeeze a drop in as I run under the desk after I close the doors. I hear it bubbled as I see the whole lab grew orange. "It's reacting!"I said as Donnie and Mikey hold me tight. As they hold onto me tight, I breathe heavily as the light goes brighter and brighter then stops. I grew confused as they let me go. We got out to see the retro mutagen sparkle as I laughed. "I-I did it, eureka! I did it!" I said happily as I hug both turtles as they grew confused. "What is going on in here?" A voice asked as we see splinter and April. "Since when retro mutagen start doing that?" She asked. I took a sample and gave it to Donnie as I grabbed the mutagen and opened the lid. "Donnie, microscope it."I said. Donnie gasped as he microscope it. Everyone else came in. "That's right! This'll save you months of lab work. One small drop..."I said as I put a drop in and the whole canister of mutagen turned into retro-mutagen. "And the whole canister of mutagen turned into retro-mutagen!"I said. Donnie laughed happily as he carried me and spin me around as I laughed. "And luckily, I wrote the recipe down as I have mix the chemicals with the calculation."I said as I show the notebook that has the recipe. "Alix, I'm so happy that I can kiss you!" Donnie said as I blush. He blush also madly as his brothers panicked. "I-i mean, I would. But we're friends, and friends don't kiss each other. Right?" Donnie asked. I blush and kissed his cheek fast as I left the lab embarrassment. "I'll be right back." Aaliyah said as she went after me. I burst through my room and scream at the pillow. "What was that?!" She said as she closed the door. "I don't know what to do! One minute, I could of tell them that I am in love with them like I did at my challenge from the spirit realm. The next minute, reality can't confess that to them and--" I said having trouble with my words and I hit my head at the wall causing a hole as I groan loudly at it. She sighed. "Look Alix, things will get better and besides. We're gonna get new York back." She said as I sighed as I got my face out of the wall with a blush. "Alright, let's just find a back up team and we're golden. For now all i know is the the millions of people and mine are in dimension x, trapped there and become slaves."I said as we come out of my room. "But how do we get inside?" She asked. "Donnie has that covered. We just need a back up team to open and close the portal for us."I said. "Well who do we need?" She asked. "You know who. The mutanimals!"I said as she look at me surprised. "But how do we find them?" She asked. "We need to get to the surface in order to find them."I said.
(At the surface ~)
We kept hidden by roof to roof. "They're scanning for humans."I whispered. "Didn't you say that you got all of them?" Donnie whispered. I nodded. Then I smiled. "Ok, for now. We fight in order for them to find us."I whispered as I hear a 'who?' And snapped my fingers. Vines grabbed some kraang as I get in there along with the guys. Apparently more of them are coming and manage to trap us. "What now?" Donnie asked. "NOW!!!"I shout as bread flew in front of the kraang. "Oh, bread!" A voice said as kraang pick the bread up and pigeon Pete crashed into it for the bread. I smiled. "Pete!"I said as he saw me and the guys. "Alix! Your ok!" Pete said as blasters are ready to fire. They tried to fire but something crashed into them. I see leatherhead demolishing them. He roared as he kept fighting. "Leatherhead!"me and Mikey said in unison. Then the kraang pointed the blasters at themselves and shoot each other as I look shock. Then I see Dr.Rockwell fly in as he concentrated. "Dr.rockwell!" Me and Donnie said in unison. Then pigeon Pete flew up as he takes out some kraang. I smiled as raph is surprise. "Wait, if all of you are here. That means..."I said as I see something strike at the kraang and they broke down. One kraang head got knocked off and lost it's legs as something step on the torso. I see... "Spike!!!"I said as I jumped to him and he hug me tightly. "Mama! Thank goodness your safe! I thought we lost you!" Slash said as leatherhead roars. "I'm so glad that you all are safe. I thought the kraang found you all and did something horrible to you or worse..."I said as I hug my baby turtle tight. "It so good to see you mama." Slash said as he hug me tightly and we went to the rooftops. "Everybody, of course you know these mutants. They call themselves the mighty mutanimals!!!"I said. Then I got swiped from slash arms as I am in leatherheads arms as I laughed. Mikey joined in as we laughed. "It's good to see you, my friends." He said as I smirked. "Yes, indeed!" A voice said as I got lifted in the air as rockwell flew next to me. "I see that you got an upgrade. And you can talk again!"I said happily as he chuckled. "Indeed. The kraang experimented on my mind, giving me physic powers and accidentally returned my vast intellect in the process!" He said scientifically. "Indeed, must've been hard from what I've been through."I said. "Oh, my dear. You have no idea." Rockwell said. "And of course he is the smartest of the team?"I asked. "Yup, and pigeon Pete is the team's spy!" Slash said as rockwell put me down. I smiled as I look at the team. "Look at you now, slash. A leader just like your uncle Leonardo."I said. "Thanks, mama. Come, we must take you to our benefactor. Then take back new york!" Slash said as I nodded. They go as we follow them as I keep track.
(Time skip~)
We jumped inside the building as we stay quiet. I don't see anything. The mutanimals spread out as I look around as the guys grew confused. "It's alright. They will never hurt us."I whispered. The light flash on us as we turn around. We see a man. "Greetings, ninja turtles and Alix." A familiar voice said. I smiled as to show it's mr.kurtsmen. "mr.kurtsmen. glad to see you here!"I said as he smirked. "Good to see you too, guys. It's been a long time." He said as we walk by him. "You kidding, we thought that you'd be mutated and taken to dimension x."I said. "Luckily I made it through, thanks to the mutanimals." He said as I smiled. "Well luckily, since we came back. We will work together as one big team!"I said as slash smiled. "Woo-hoo! Ok, so what's the plan, alix?" Donnie asked. "Remember that I told you the plan, we have enough people to do this!"I said as the turtles smiled. "Already got a plan, mama?" Slash asked. "Mama always plan ahead. First things, first. Kurtsmen..."I said as I turn to him. "Right!" He said as he pulled a screen down and turn on the projector to reveal many photo's of a rocket ship. "The kraang spent months building a giant rocket ship. A mutagen missile that can mutate the entire world. And fire at the earth itself." Kurtsman said turning slide to slide then I see a picture of an beautiful alien sitting at the couch. I blushed as I cleared my throat. "Um... Kurtsman?"I asked pointing at the picture. He look at the picture and blushed madly as He change the slide. "Let's pretend we didn't saw that." He said as I nodded. "Ok, back to the gig. If the missile launches and lands on earth then the whole planet will become a new dimension x!"I said as kurtsman nodded. The projecter turns off as me and the others discuss a plan. Then I hear blaster whirring as I gasped. "EVERYONE GET DOWN!!!!!!"I screamed as I hear Windows crashed and saw the kraang coming in. They just through the door. I run to kurtsman as I grabbed the flash drive. "Got it!"I said as I guard kurtsman as we begin fighting. I used as much powers as I got then I got an idea. "Everyone, behind me. Now!"I said as everyone gets behind me as the kraang is coming towards me. "Cover your ears!" I said as I breathe in and did a lion's roar. Then kraang flew all the way back as they all shut down and I stop as I breathe. "You ok?"I asked everyone and they nodded. I groan in pain as I look at the side to see a bullet wound and I'm bleeding gold. My eyes widen as I gasped. "Oh, no. I've been shot! I'VE BEEN SHOT!!!"I said as I hold my side. Everyone gasp as they see my side. "Everyone fall back!" Leo said as he carry me bridal style and went to the lair.
(At the lair ~)
I hissed in pain as Donnie wrap the bandage on me carefully as possible. Once he finished, I look around to see that it's fine. "Ok, I think I still should be able to fight still cause I'm right footed."I said as I kick my right leg cause the right side of me is where I've been shot. "I got this Intel that can help us to stop the rocket."I said as I got the flash drive out. "So, what's the plan?" Donnie asked. "We have to set the rocket at the new course, In space!"I said. "But how do we get the kraang distracted?" Leo asked. "The mighty mutanimals will bash the bots, distracting them while we get into the rocket to set off a new course. Two missions on one!"I said as slash smiled. "You think it's going to work?" Slash asked. "I know so. . . Slash."I said in his hero name as he smiled. "And I know just the thing!"Donnie said. I nodded at slash and they left as we went for Donnie's invention.
(At the surface ~)
We are right by the water tower as we wait. "Are we gonna flood the place?" Mikey asked. I shook my head. "Not exactly." Donnie said as I hear air flowing. Then the water tower broke as what appeared to be a blimp out of the tower as I smiled wide. "Behold... the turtle blimp!"I said. They gawked as they see it. "Let's roll ninja's!"I said as I fly up.
(Near the rocket~)
We fly near the rocket as I see the mutanimals getting the kraang. 'That's my boy!'I thought as I smiled. I fly to them. "It's working. The mutanimals are distracting the kraang!"I said as they see them fight. We made it by the rocket as the jump at the top at the rocket as I flew down to the top. I tied the rope between each turtles waist as I tied it to my waist. "Hold on!"I whispered as I flew up as I get them by the rocket safely. Donnie cuts the glass and got it to open. 'Now, according to the drive. The missile guidance should be a binary code.'I thought to Donnie as I hear a 'got it.' Respond in thought. I look at the side and my eyes widen as I gulp. 'Hang on, you four! We got company!!!'I thought as revealed fireballs as flying kraang comes at me. I launched as much fireballs as much as I got on them. Then I hear the rocket blasting off as I gasped. "Oh, shit! Everyone, hang on!!!"I shout as the rocket comes up then it blast off as I fell at the top with a shout. I begin to slip as I gasped. "Oh, no.... you.... don't!"I said as I struggled to pull myself up and punch through the rocket as I see more kraang coming. I growled as I breathe fire at them as much as I got. I grunt as I breathe at the last one. "Hurry, guys! It's almost to space!"I shouted. Then the rocket drifted a little as I hold onto the sucker. Donnie made to a new course as I look down. I let go and climb down to where they are. I grabbed them and jump off the rocket as it leaves the atmosphere. As we are falling, I air swim to the guys and hold onto them as I put them on my back. I can feel myself getting hot and I dive down as they hold me tight. We made it close then I close my eyes as I felt something sprout off my back and we stop. I open my eyes to see my angel wings along with my halo as I sighed in relief. "Oh, thank the stars."I said as I fly down at the blimp and the guys got off. I fly up as I laugh and whoop in victory. I see the head about to shoot Pete but I dive in and got the head and tear it to shreds. I breathed heavily as I hugged him along with the rest of the mutanimals. "No!" Kraang subprime said as I growled and summon a Fireball as my horns grew with my halo gone along my wings and summon a demons tail. "You!"I said demonic as I threw fireballs at him. I see the kraang run off retreating. I smirked as I turn back to normal. I see the blimp flew down as I laughed and hug them as the guys celebrate their victory. "Ok, we're ready. Mutanimals, get ready to invade TCRI. We go to dimension x and take back the people and save new York city. While everyone else fight the kraang as much as they can! Any questions?"I asked as I got no response but smirks as I smirked. "Then let's get started!"I said as we run to the lair to get ready for the big fight.
Let's take back what was ours!

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