I'm Edmund Pevensie

Start from the beginning

He smiled, and all three girls blushed and smiled back.

Lucy and Susan had joined Peter and all three were laughing at the expense of their brother embarrassing himself in front of three new girls who he obviously liked.

Edmund stuck his hand out in front of the first of the three girls which happened to be Anna. "Edmund Pevensie" He said.
"Hello Just King." Anna said shaking his hand with a smile on her face bigger than imaginable.
He smiled back at her. "You've heard of me have you?"
"Oh you have no idea!" Anna said laughing. I'm Anna Caterina." 
"Caterina, I like that."Edmund said smiling. She smiled back.

But as he put his hand out to the next girl Anna's eyes and smile widened and she looked over to Abby who looked back at her with a huge smile on her face. "Edmund Pevensie likes my name!!!" Anna mouthed to Abby. "I know."  Abby  mouthed smiling.

"Edmund Pevensie." He said as he stood in front of Sydni with a smile."
"The best swordsman in Narnia."
Sydni said smiling.
"Well that much is obvious." Edmund said laughing.

Sydni laughed along with him while Peter stood in the back rolling his eyes almost out of his head. "Sydni."
The best figure skater in the world."
"The world?" Edmund questioned. "And um which world are we talking about here?" Sydni smiled slyly. "Every. Single. One." She said in a flirty yet sexy voice exaggerating the word one and looking straight into his eyes. "Well I'd like to see that." He said. "Anytime." Sydni said smirking. Edmund smiled at her.

He then walked to the final girl. He stuck his hand out to introduce himself but stopped when he got a close look at her face. She was absolutely breathtaking. Her hair was long and beautiful and she wore one of Lucys flower crowns which matched her dress perfectly. Her eyes were big and brown just like his. They sparkled on their own but even more so when they looked at Edmund.

She had an odd expression on her face. She had been extremely quiet this whole time and had only made one comment to her friends when he wasn't looking.
He thought she seemed a bit shy but wasn't sure.
She had looked at him ever since she had walked up.
Even though he wasn't looking when she walked up he knew this.
He felt in in his bones and from his head to his toes.
She was smiling but she was also studying him. Trying to figure him out. Looking deep into his eyes as if to make sure he really was Edmund Pevensie.

"Have we um.....have we.....met?" Edmund asked nervously.
Abby smiled, and continued to study him.
"I know I would have remembered that." She said.
"Well I feel like I've known you my whole life." Edmund said."
"Really?!" Abby asked in disbelief.

The two looked at each other for about thirty seconds. "Well." Edmund said putting his hand out. "I'm Edmund Pevensie. The Just King." Abby took a deep breath.
"Are you really Edmund Pevensie?" Abby questioned.
Edmund Pevensie was her favorite person on the planet and she didn't want to be disappointed.
"The one and only." Edmund said with a smile. Abby smiled back but she had to be sure this was really Edmund.
"Edmund do you mind if I ask you a question?" Abby asked.
"Sure." Edmund said with a grin.
"Whats your biggest accomplishment?"

Edmund looked at her a bit odd but she
kept a straight face. He smiled slightly. "Well...I would have to say my biggest accomplishment was when I broke the White Witches sword and then became a knight, and shortly after a King.
I not only defeated her but I saved Peter in the process.
Even though I almost didn't make it, I saved my brothers life along with all the Narnians. I don't know how it gets better than that."
Edmund smiled, and Abby's eyes and smile became kind. Then her smile got big.

"Your Edmund Pevensie." YOUR Edmund Pevensie!" YOUR EDMUND Pevensie!!" YOUR EDMUND PEVENSIE!!!!!"

"Yes I believe we already established that." Edmund said with a laugh.

Abby's eyes and smile got wide and she started to breath heavily.

"OH my gosh! OH MY GOSH!!!! OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!" Abby practically screamed.

"Hey hey." Edmund said grabbing her hand in comfort.

She looked at his hand on hers and stopped breathing completely. She looked up at him with wide eyes and a surprised expression on her face.
"I might be Edmund Pevensie but you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen." He smiled and kissed her hand then let it go.

Her mouth dropped then turned to a smile and her eyes got wide.
And then......she fell into a dead faint.

Literally my EXACT reaction if I ever did get to meet Edmund Pevensie hahaha.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Some amazing things are about to start happening 😏💕
XoXo 😘💘

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