Chapter 8: Favors

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(Warning: Deals, Swearing, talk of violence, pain)

(Third person)
   Virgil sat in his room, messing around with his necklace when suddenly his neck started stinging. He winced as his neck started turning red where the necklace string lay.

   He started scratching at the necklace, trying to get it off, but it wasn't budging. He started screaming from the pain. The necklace string was now digging into his neck, burning a deep red mark into his neck.

    Roman came running in to see his new boyfriend scrambling on the floor, clawing at his necklace. "What's happening?!" He shouted, dropping by Virgil's side. "I d-don't kn-know!" Virgil shouted through his tears. The princely man didn't know what to do, holding the screaming boy in his arms.

     Virgil started glowing orange before disappearing completely. Roman knew that glow, his eyes narrowing. "This is too far..." he murmured in a low voice.

~Meanwhile in the imagination~

   Anxiety appeared infront of the dragon-witches castle, groaning from the pain in his neck and head. The gates open and out walked Deceit with the dragon witch. "Welcome back Anxiety!"
Delilah shouted happily, helping the boy up.

   Virgil shot her a dirty look. "What was all that about?!" He rubbed his neck rather harshly. "Well I am ready for that favor." She smirked. "I have a little problem with a certain trait and I think you could get rid of him for me."

   "Who do you want me to get rid of?" Virgil raised an eyebrow. "Creativity" Anxiety froze, hearing his boyfriend's trait name. "Pick something else."


"Pick something else. I am not getting rid of Roman."

    Delilah looked confused, yet very annoyed with the trait infront of her. "Why wont you do this specific task?"
Annoyance running through her words. "That's none of your busniess. Choose a different task." He snapped, his lungs feeling slightly heavy.

    "You see Anxiety-" The witch said, grabbing the necklace around Virgil's neck and pulling him down. "-when you accepted our deal, I said any favor I desire. This necklace and your shape-shifting is proof of that." Virgil gulped, wincing from the sudden shock of pain through his neck.

    Through his gritted teeth, Virgil spoke. "Choose. Something. Else." The witch sighed and let Virgil go. "Let us make a deal. You and I fight. As felines. If you win, you owe me nothing and I release you from your bounds. If I win, you kill that prince. Deal?" She offered.

    Virgil closed his eyes and thought before opening them again, hatred in his eyes. "Fine. Deal" he accepted, feeling anxious. "Good. Now" She snapped her fingers, turning both of them into cats.

Lol. Stopping it there

I hope you guys are enjoying this story so far and I hope you are having a great day/night!

Take it easy guys, gals, and my fellow non-binary pals! Peace out!


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