Chapter 3: Claws

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    I woke up to feel something against my chest, yawning slightly. I open my eyes, seeing Virgil. His face was buried in my chest and his arms were wrapped tightly around my waist. I noticed my arm around him and went wide eyed. I'm cuddling ANXIETY!

      I tried not to move. 'This is the second time this happened!' I thought as I looked down at the sleeping trait. 'He is kind of cute like this... Wait what? No! Now's really not the time Roman!' Virgil started to stir awake, groaning.

  I woke and groaned from a migraine. I opened my eyes slightly to see white and red and I felt pressure against my body. I then realized it was Roman and squeaked, tensing up. "Hey hey hey hey its okay. Calm down." I heard him say, causing my mind to pulse.

    I heald my head as I sat up, Roman moving his arm from around me. "You okay?" He asked in a soft voice. "M-migraine.." I managed to get out through the pain. "Oh! im sorry... You should probably lay back down amd get more shut eye." He suggested. "Aww Princey, you wanna cuddle more?" I asked jokingly.

     "Uh n-no! And I fell asleep before you last night so you had to of crawled into my arms!" He tried to say quiet enough, but failed. My head pulsed again. "Honestly princey, I dont care as long as I can get rid of this migraine." I admitted with a sigh.

    The prince picked me up, and laid me on the couch. He laid down next to me, giving me his arm to lay on as he rested the other around me. I closed my eyes, allowing Roman to pull me closer. Here I was, cuddling my crush again on the couch in the commons. I started falling asleep, everything going black.

   I felt Anxiety get heavier on my chest. 'He must have fell asleep.' I thought as I smiled. Here I was, cuddling my crush on the couch. 'What a glorious day!' I thought as I slipped into slumber myself.

      (Third person)
   Patton out into the commons with a yawn. He had just woken up and he needed to make breakfast for everyone. He looked around the commons, freezing at the sight on the couch. 'Roman and Anxiety are cuddling on the couch!! I ship it!!' He thought.

    He quickly rushed over and snapped a picture of the sleeping pair, before rushing back to the kitchen. He started breakfast, humming quietly. Logan walked out of his room, fixing his tie as he walked down the hall.

     "Greetings Patton, need any assistance with brea-" Logan was cut off by Patton shushing him. He gestured to the sleeping pair on the couch. Logan turned his head to the pair and nodded. He walked into the kitchen and stood behind his boyfriend, watching him stir pancake batter.

      Logan began helping Patton cook, taking over stirring while he started heating up the pan. Patton began cooking the "Patton-cakes" while Logan set the table. Hopefully the other two were awake before breakfast was ready.

Short chapter, but I hope it was a good chapter!

I hope you guys are enjoying this story!

Take it easy guys, gals, and my fellow non-binary pals! Peace out!


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