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"So you're not going for that job at the pet shop?" Clang. "Does this mean you'll be moving out?" Clang, "I mean, when is this scholarship even going to happen?" Clang. "And what's this about a dinner?" Bang.

My head is pounding, what with Jin's voice reverberating through my ear drums and causing me to grow mildly irate, an interminable knot of string wrapping itself around my brain cells in a frantic error of irritation, "can't you just congratulate me like everybody else?" I sigh, stretching my body over the kitchen table.

Namjoon smiles down at me, a coffee in his hand, the light illuminating the speckles of dust in the air, coruscating around him, almost mystically, and creating the air of a majestic fairy about him, "he's just excited for you."

"Excited? No, I'm thrilled! Finally we won't have to take care of your sorry-ass." Jin exclaims exuberantly, wrapping his arms around me — which is fairly awkward considering my position.

"Gee," I scratch the nape of my neck. Despite the fact I know he's joking, I always have this horrendous feeling that I'm imposing on them, and it's not a nice feeling. It's a feeling not at all dissimilar to the concept of an anchor, welling my heart the lower chamber of my stomach, allowing it to slosh about the hydrochloride acid, desperately trying to survive the intensity, "well, sorry to disappoint, but the place is nearby and I don't have enough money to rent a place yet.."

"Tae, I'm kidding." He says upon noticing my discomfort, voice a rainbow belt of impeccable softness, moving his body from mine and perching himself on the table.

"Yeah, but you know what they say: behind every joke, is a hint of truth."

"Taehyung, don't get all mopey and sorry for yourself," Namjoon tuts, "this is exciting! You're finally going to be doing what you've wanted to do for your entire life."

"Yeah." I smile, although it's more a smile of appreciation toward my best friend for his constant support, then at the prospect of pursuing my dream.

"And what were you saying about this dinner?" Jin quizzes, trying to redeem himself from his previous comment.

"Oh, yeah, I dunno.. it might be kinda awkward." I mumble nervously, for once, completely unsure of myself, "I was just thinking that, like, we could all go out for a celebratory dinner or something."

"Wait, who's 'we'?" Both query almost simultaneously, which makes them laugh.

I ignore their laughter and uncertainly tell them, feeling so plainly foolish for such a ridiculous prospect having crossed my mind, "like, me, you, you, Jimin and I thought Jimin's friends because he's pretty shy, and like.. yeah. But, thing is, his friend doesn't really like me, so maybe this could help us, like, get to know each other?"

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