16 .

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Bare feet slam against laminated wood, thumping down with every dilapidated leap of sadness.

As my body involuntarily twirls, my legs thrust forward in order to accommodate for my free-tumbling being. I scantily brush the air, making for soft thuds as I reach the ground again.

With every leap and spring of movement, more fears disperse from my form. My expressive dance proves to rid me of my previous worries, allowing for my body to become ethereal. I'm so lost in my movement, the pain just seeps through the cracks and evaporates in the air.

For a moment, as I dance, I just forget all the pain. I feel light.


It's the stupid things that cause anxiety to contort my form into a withering mess. Stupid things such as being left on read.

These hideous worries that I may have done something wrong, that I may have overstepped a boundary, seep into my day to day life and overtake my brain, making me feel as if I'm trapped within the panic room of my mind.

It's so stupid and I know it is, but no matter how hard I try to settle the torpedo of worry in my brain, fears always dig their claws in deep.

"Here." Glumly, I look over the iced coffee placed before me. Jungkook slumps down in the seat beside me, not paying me any attention due to his eyes being welled to his phone screen.

Sitting outside a coffee shop, our dance school is opposite us, the building obnoxiously palatial, with a stereotypical ballet school vibe. It's constructed from brown-tinged slabs of brick, classically large windows adorning the victorian-influenced structure.

It was an honour to even be accepted into such a prestigious school, let alone with a full scholarship. But attending a dance school means my job options are limited when I leave.

I have no idea where I want to go after I'm through with college. Of course, working for a dance company and performing on the stage would be great. But that's not what I thrive for; I don't require the applause of strangers to validate me and I don't much enjoy the idea of performing at all.

In truth, I dance because I enjoy it, not because other people will find joy from it.

It's selfish, I know, but I don't care.

"Jimin, you're spacing out." Jungkook comments, sipping from his straw, eyes still glued to his screen.

"So? You're on your phone, I can't exactly talk to you." I reply, passive-aggression laced in my tone.

"Well shit, what crawled up your ass?" He still doesn't look at me.

"Who are you texting anyway, they must be pretty important?" I snap, ignoring his words.

"No one," he turns his phone to me so I can see the screen.

"Oh, so you're ignoring me for fucking Crossy Road?"

"Jesus, what is up with you?" He finally places his phone down, eyeing me with hesitant orbs.

"You're the one ignoring me."

"There's nothing to ignore, you were spacing out."

Not being one for quick comebacks, I settle for crossing my arms, shrinking back into my seat, "I just don't like being ignored."

I feel his eyes on me, running across my being and boring holes in my skin, "this has something to do with the pizza boy, right?"

"He's not a pizza boy anymore."

"I knew it!" Jungkook declares, a small smile illuminating his face, "Jesus Christ, Jimin, you sure are easily infatuated."

I don't respond, feeling a melodramatic pout form on my face. I don't know why I'm even so upset over this, but, according to Jungkook, I tend to get like this when I don't want to admit the truth of my worries.

"Honestly, I didn't expect you to be the type to like someone just because of their looks."

Despite the fact I'm aware he's just joking, I'm not in the mood to go along with it, "shut up."

"Man, you really aren't in a good mood today. What happened then, he said he didn't want to date your ugly-ass?"

"I actually really dislike you." Even as I say it, I can't help but mirror his cheeky grin.

I've known Jungkook since he first came to the school last year. At first he intimidated me due to his overwhelming talent at all tasks asked of him. His good looks made matters worse, making me feel desperately inadequate. But, after Hoseok befriended him, we got introduced and now I feel I can trust him with my life.

"You love me." He informs me, chuckling softly, "but, do you actually want to explain why you're so pissy?"

Sighing, I chug down my drink, licking my lips to rid them of any excess liquid, "I think I overstepped a boundary. I don't know, I said something to him over text and he just left me on read."

And Jungkook laughs, slight disbelief evident in his voice as he speaks, "you're a fucking loser."


sorry i've been so inactive recently !

also this is pretty much a filler chapter but heyho, the next chapter will be more eventful.

&& i'm actually buzzing for Friday like omg i'm ready for a controversial, edgy & dark song,,,,,, tbh anything they come out with i'll fucking worship i'm so whipped atm.

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