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Soft and peaceful hues of heat brush against the top of my head: a consistent calm that steadies my own breath. My body feels ethereal with a collection of foreign body heat clinging to me. Yet, despite the bare skin burning against my own, the weary state my body has succumbed to, shrouds the answers from me. Drowsily, I nuzzle my face further into the warm embrace of skin and bone in front of me.

I only become aware of my position as a harsh clicking noise erupts from just outside the current room. Upon opening my eyes, it takes a moment for me to adjust to my surroundings, my eyes skimming across the unfamiliar room.

Then it soaks in: I'm in Taehyung's house.

Not only that, I'm tangled up in Taehyung's arms.

Our bodies are an intertwist of heat, legs intertwined, lying on his velvet settee. Safe arms consume me and I'm drinking in his warmth, my face snuggled in the crook of his neck. His sleeping face is mere inches from my own, projecting subdued breaths against the top of my head.

The noise from outside the room chimes again and a tired voice calls out, "Tae, I'm back!"


Glancing at Taehyung, he appears in a state of deep sleep - so deep he doesn't seem at all fazed by the voice, nor my mild shaking of his body.

"Taehyung!" The voice rings out again, a jingle of keys present in the air.

Before I can close my eyes, the source of the voice opens the living room door and an aura of beautiful tranquility follows him. He's a fine example of a man, with a face built for the silver screen. He has messy locks of brown hair encasing his handsome features, his kind eyes pondering over me curiously, "gracious.."

I can't speak, our eyes interlocking for the most awkward ten seconds of my life. I just wish the stupidly comfortable sofa would eat me up.

Subconsciously, I squeeze Taehyung's hand, which seems to spark some life into him.

"Ngh!" he rasps, slowly peaking around the room with one eye. He peers at me, a small smile scuttling over his features, flicking my nose cutely and greeting me in a voice rich as treacle, "hello~"

The other man in the room coughs, awkwardly hovering over us. I'm positive my cheeks are crimson, despite the lack of judgement radiating from the man.

"Oh, hey Jin!" Taehyung takes one arm from around me, yawning, and waving at Jin.

"Hello, who's this? Another Jesus?" Jin inquires, confusing me but Taehyung seems to understand, offering a begrudging poke of his tongue as a response.

"No, this is Jimin," he closes his eyes again, waving his hand in erratic gestures, "Jimin meet Seokjin, Seokjin meet Jimin. Jin is my best friend's boyfriend who I told you about."

"Oh, so this is Jimin." Seokjin smiles sweetly, again, confusing me: has Taehyung talked about me? Surely not.

"Hello." I say awkwardly, limply prying my legs from the man beside me and sitting up, Taehyung intwining our fingers.

"He's pretty." Jin beams, as if my presence has somehow evaporated.

"No need to state the obvious," Taehyung mumbles, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he also sits up, "I already told you this, didn't I?"

"And his hair is pink !" Seokjin suddenly gasps, "I love it! He's a keeper, definitely."

"Gee, thanks for that." The silver-haired male beside me rolls his eyes.

Despite his composure, I'm freaking out, my heart thumping so hard it threatens to shatter my ribcage, my face not dissimilar to a tomato in colour.

A keeper?

"Do you want to stay for food, Jimin? I was just about to cook."

"Oh...no, I should, erm, I should really be better- I best should be- get going." I instantly cringe as the disarray of mismatched words fall from my mouth, squeezing my eyes shut from embarrassment.

Beside me, Taehyung gives my hand a squeeze and softly rubs circles with his thumb against the back of my hand.

As I open my eyes, Jin gives me a short smile, "ok, I hope to see you again, Jimin."

"Y-yeah, you too." I reply in a whisper as he vacates the room.

"You don't have to be so shy, Jin's nice, honest." Taehyung tussles my hair, a small grin illuminating his face.

"Sorry, I don't mean to.." Nervously, I unlace our fingers and get to my feet, "I really should leave, Yoongi will probably be worried."

"Who's Yoongi?"

"Yoongi? O-oh, my roommate, have I not-" I stop myself, flailing slightly as I attempt to pull my shoes onto my feet.

"Woah!" Taehyung instinctively grips my arms before I can fall completely, "you sure are clumsy for a ballerina."

I feel even more heat wash over my face.

"It's cute."

I don't respond, instead, I quickly tie my laces and smile lowly at the scarcely awake beauty on the sofa, "thank you for this Taehyung, this was fun."

"Anytime, Jimin." He smiles angelically and I wave to him to symbolise my exit.

However, just as I reach the door, his voice rings out again, "oh, Jimin!" Turning to him, he's sat up, his body twisted in an uncomfortable manner in order to look at me, "you never did tell me your favourite colour."

"Huh-" I feel laughter overcome my blank expression, his odd attitude is something that shall always make me smile, "red, my favourite colour is red."

And with that, I finally leave.


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