Not Right

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"He's here" Matt called with a bit if an attitude.I walked out of the bedroom and Ricky was sanding in the doorway with  two cups of coffee in his hands. "Hey" he greeted with a large smile on his face, "Hey" " God your blushing already." He laughed handing me one. I grabbed my backpack from the floor and swung it over my shoulder.

"Bye Matt!" " Bye babe"  I laughed and walked out behind Ricky. "You sure he knows there's nothing going on?" "Yeah" " Well he just hates me then" he laughed. "No he's just adjusting to not being the only guy in my life." "Your dad?" "Oh he's um at a hospital right now. " "what for?" "Lung cancer" "im so sorry" "I don't want to get all feely before class" "sorry babe." His arm went around my waist and we walked closer.

"Hey" " yeah" " you should play at that coffee shop down the street" "eh not really my scene." " Don't you need experience playing infront of people." "Well why dont you come over tonight and ill get that practice." "Will you play Tears on Tape." "Sure, didn't we have a study date at the library already?" "Yea, but id rather hear you sing." "Okay, here im gonna be late." He gave me a quick peck on the lips with a smile before running down the hall.

I walked in and sat my bag down, Matt at the other end of the room kept pointing at his phone. I pulled mine out and sat it on my lap

Matty: I dont like that dude there's something off with him.

He's perfectly fine,  now he thinks you hate him. I responded.

Matty: Good, I do. Two weeks with him is two weeks too long. I mean he hasn't even asked you to be his girlfriend, ditch him.

Me:Stop being a jelous little donut. Its not nice and I dont want you scaring him off. I actually really like him.

Matty: okay, I didn't want to tell you this but he's gay. He made a pass at me when we first met ,leave him your just a cover.

Me: Stop being a wanker.

"Will you meet me the it" he sung putting the guitar down. "Whats wrong?" "Nothing" "eathier me playing is very displaying to you or some things up." " You played perfectly." "He walked over wrapping his arms around my waist. "Come on tell me" "You promise not to get mad at me" "Kinda, tell me anyways" " are you gay?" " What!? No, just because I wear makeup doesn't mean I'm gay." " I know,  Matt's fucking with me" " Well ignore him and lets go cuddle" " That leads to sex, and I'm tired" "Okay just cuddling I assure you." He left a kiss on my cheek.

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