The Stranger in the Room

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"Darkness tolls, Thunder roars around me. Ive been warned to prepare my self for the fall" the words were softly sung to me by Villie Valo through the speakers around my room.  I rubbed my eyes and tumbled out of bed to the floor. Stepping into the bathroom I took a look at my pale eyebrowless face.  My underwear dropped to the floor and I stepped into the shower.

The know was pushed back in and a black towel was wrapped around me. I loudly beat on the wall "Im up!" Matt yelled. Quickly changing to an oversized Slipknot hoodie and black skinney jeans. He walked through and into the bathroom as I started pulling my eyeliners out.

"Stop stealing my shit." He complained stepping out with the black towel around his waist. "Says the person using my towel." I stood up throwing the makeup bag back onto the unmade bed. "You should go do something about the stranger on our couch." "If I get stabbed your paying the hospital bill." "Whatever."

Following him out long back curly hair covered the face. A black jean covered leg hung over the couch. I took a long black pointed nail and started to poke at his chest. "Hey,  wake up." He flipped over on his side. "Um you're gonna be late to class." He groaned a bit and reajusted himself. I ran into Matts room as he was pulling on blue skinney jeans. "He won't get up." "Okay, Ill do it."

He stepped out shirtless into the living room and shook him "Dude get up" he sat up black drips dried to his face. I chucked as he stood up and collected his jacket. "Oh thanks." "No problem." He walked through the door and Matt went back to his room. I started the coffee maker  and pulled out a few different  ingredients. 

Placing strips of bacon on top I wrapped it up and wrapped the burrito in tin foil. I poured the last of the coffee into the reusable hot cup and pulled an apple juice from the fridge. "Matt!" "Im coming." He stepped into the room "whats for breakfast?" "Breakfast burrito and juice. We need to go shopping after Calculus." "Okay, well Taylor's sick so we can just go."

I picked up my books and opened the door. But blocking my way was the same guy from this morning. "I have no idea where im supposed to go." He sheepishly spoke. "Fuck English,  I've got a few minutes."

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