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"Come on, time to wake up" Matts voice echoed through my unconscious head untik my eyes flashed open. A guy with shaggy brown hair flowing just past his ears was laying atop of the black comforter. I shoved the pillow to his face and flipped over. "Get up we gotta go to class." "Im exhausted." "I don't want to walk alone." he complained throwing an arm across my ribcage.

"Have Tyler walk you" "We just got back on good terms." I groaned and sat up. The moonlight glowing through the thick wooden blinds as I pulled the black transparent lace shirt over my curled hair. The black and white bra was easily visable , but I redirected my hair to the proper sides of my parts and stood up.

"10 minutes" he warned setting a black backpack on the bed, it holding on my the very last threads. Slung over my shoulder it sagged down from the heavy textbooks of my junior year at Penn state. I slid on the black platform boots and zipped the sides to a close.

A muffled click was herd and we started at a jog to the large brick building. The thick books hitting my back repeatedly as the lights placed every 20 ft lit the crumbling sidewalk. "1 minute" his tired breath made out. We arrived at the door and hastily got to our seats in the back.

With almost every seat filled the class begun, "Today, I want you to draw a fish. It can be any fish of your liking, as long as it is done by half the hour" The instructor walled behind his desk and pulled out the black rectangle. I slid the sketch book from my bag and started away on a large fish taking up most of the page. All to the fin had been filled in with bright oil pastels. "Time!" he called and everyone ceased.

Except me, as he walked around I added the final colors and details to it. "ahhem, Ms.Pyszka" I looked up at the grey and black bearded man. I lifted my arm up and he grabbed the thick spiral notebook. "A koi fish?" he asked "Yes sir" biting the inside of my lip as he gave no clear facial expression.

"Class! Here we have a prime example of the task at hand.Not only was it colorful, but they blended togeather.  The use of oil pastels here clearly gives the fish the look as if it were to pop off the page.Now I want all first years to aspire to please me as so as this work." He sat the notebook back down on the wooden desk.  "Just because your one of my top students doesn't mean you can walk in at any time you please." "Sorry sir." he moved onto Matt.

"Your fish is so dull it pains me to look at it." the brunette man next to me mocked. "I don't understand, how you always seem to please him." "I don't know, similar personalities." "Lets go to the coffee shop." "Here take my hoodie, you're getting soaked and that shirt is really see through." I slid the large grey sweatshirt over me and replaced my backpack.

We walked up to the doors , but they were locked. 'Sorry, powers out. No coffee.' A small sign read. "Fuck" he groaned and we started back. The rain picked up making it almost impossible to see too far ahead of us. But I was pushed on my side to the ground. A small black figure stood above me. "Oh god, im so sorry. I can't see to well." Matt helped me back to me feet. But my backpack felt lighter.

All variety of books sat on the drenched concrete until the figure picked them up. I took the books from the stranger and started on our way. " Do you know where house K 27 is?" they yelled. "Come on." They ran to catch up to us. The door pushed open and led us to the dark.  We walked to our place "Two doors down the hall." " Thanks, Do you know were the housing office is?" "Closed until morning, did you not get your key yet?" "No, I got here moments ago." "Well, you can crash on our couch if you want. If you sleep in the hall you'll probably have rats at your feet"

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