Sympathy for the Soulless

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An ear piercing shriek came from the blonde woman on the television.  The different shades of black, white, and grey showing Lily Munster. "Hey" Matt greeted walking in the room and setting his bag on the floor. "hey" "We both know that was totally uncalled for." "Whatever, I just wanna enjoy my weekend" "Well I got a few movies." "Such as" "Texas Chainsaw, Carrie, Warm Bodies, and Dark Skies." "Be a sweetheart and put in Warm Bodies." "Ill make popcorn too" "Thanks."

He handed me a large bowl of the buttery treat and wiggled in behind me snaking his arms around my waist. "How was you dad?" He whispered pulling me against his larger frame. "He actually asked about you." "Ill go with you tommorow. " "Okay, that lazy piece of shit sister didn't even bother to show up today." "well you can call and yell at her tommorow try to relax a bit."

I tightly gripped his hand as the suspense built, the bright ominous light growing.  Two simple knocks at the door ruined the whole movie illusion. " I got it" he groaned standing up. I sat with my back against the couch pulling the dark green blanket more over me. "Hey,  yeah sure. We'll meet you in outside in 10. Bye" he tightly closed the door.

"Hey were gonna go get drinks with that Rick guy" "What?" "Come on, he doesn't know anyone have a heart." "I have no heart" "I know your a sinister and soulless person. But you kniw hoe it feels, so just go get drunk he can't be thats bad." "Its cold" "Want my sweatshirt?" "Yes please." He took it from the black backpack and handed it to me.

"So is this your first year? "He asked the guy, eyes rimmed thick with eyeliner and a heartagram on the back of his sweatshirt.  "Actually my third,  I got half a years credits in highschool , but I didn't really have time for college." "So what do you major in?" "Instrumental and vocal, I want to maybe out out a record some day. You?" "We both do Art and Desighn, third years too, so are you literally agreed to drink in the bar?" " yeah, I may look 17 but I'm 25" " I'm 23 and she's 22" "I feel slightly less creepy now" he admitted as we stepped in the pub.

Matt kept his arm around my waist the whole time we sat there.  Usually I'm a last resort for drunks so,  He kind of claims me. I threw another shot in my mouth and swallowed the potent liquor. They sipped on beers throughout the night while I got completly hammered on what cash I had on me.

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