Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen: Training and Goals

"Hey, Samari, are you coming next week?"

Samari gasped as her concentration broke, and her spell fell apart. She whimpered a bit before turning to Dillian. "What's next week?"

He pushed up his glasses, looking at her questioningly. "No one told you? Next week is the last week of summer before fall comes. Every year, we go to Lake Sheca for the Mid-Moon Festival. It's a huge event!" he explained.

Pausing, Samari looked to the sky. "Is it really...almost the seventh moon-cycle? It...feels like only yes-terday that I was figuring to navigate...the library!"

"That's because yesterday you spent a half-hour looking for a guide of mosses so you could see which ones could be used in tears," he laughed.

She looked around, pretending that was not weird at all. "I mean, why not? It herb, so it...might be good. Different t-teas are great!"

He scoffed. "Again, does it look like we have moss around here?"

Squinting her eyes, Samari stared at him, dumbfounded. She reached out to his chin and tries to push his head sideways, but he didn't budge.

"What are you doing?" Dillian asked, pulling his head back.

"No, just, look that way!" she said, trying to grab his head and turn it.

He sighed and let her move him. His gaze fell towards the lake, where some people were gathering.

"What am I looking at?"

"Uhm, the trees. They...have moss that the healers use...sometimes. Tanya said it's called oakmoss, but even...thought you can eat isn't good for tea have to boil out the...acid," Samari explained.

Dillian turned to look back to her. "You met Tanya?"

Puzzled, she answered, "Yes. She...helped me make a...a salve when I got my burns, and...she has with my remedies and plant knowledge."

He nodded and looked away, not responding to her. She bit her lip, unsure whether or not to say.

One, two, thr--

"Why do you ask?"

Shrugging, he said, "Oh, I was just curious. She's one of my teammates, is all."

So he's on a team with Tanya and Tim. That would mean they all share a room together, right? When I become a mage, would they let me in their team? Would I even fit?

Being on a team with Dillian, she fantasized, a smile growing on her face. Quickly, she tried to wave the thought away, but the image was stuck in her brain.

But you like Charming! You can't like Charming and Dillian...or can I? If I just keep letting myself like both until I find out if one or the other likes me back, if they like me at all. Would I even be able to stop liking one if the other liked me back?

She sneaked a glance at the boy sitting across from her, who as gazing aimlessly away. The sun shined on his hair and radiated off his skin, making him--

Nope, I don't think that will work.

Samari still was not entirely okay with them hanging out together as they were now. Sure, they spent plenty of time together talking about this and that--mostly books, though--but that was usually in the library or at the serving table or somewhere else that there were plenty of people. Now, they were outside on the field, enjoying the sunny day to do some relaxing, completely alone.

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