Author's Note- Part of the Book!!!

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I was coming home from school, exhausted and not at all excited to get started on my mountain of homework and studying. Utterly exhausted, I pulled open the door to my room, the familiar messiness welcoming me. But something was off....


Everything went black.


I woke up groaning, sore, and with a voice coming from beside me.

"Should we wake her up? 'Cause she's comin' 'round, now." A boy's voice said.

"Ugghhhh. What happened? Where am I?" I knew I was in a chair, my hands bound with rope behind me, my legs tied with rope to the legs of my chair and a blindfold of plain, white cloth around my eyes.

"Nah, let's put her under again, gives us more time." A different voice, a girl's this time.

I felt something hard hit my temple before unconsciousness grabbed at me again.


"Ugggghhhhh. Who are you? What happened? Why can't I see anything!" I exclaimed panic overtaking me before I started to hyperventilate.

"Hey, Hey, Hey, calm down. I don't need you passing out on me, breathe." A voice said, this one a boy's, said.

Somebody took of my blindfold and I slowly pulled my head up.

"*gasp* You- you're Percy Jackson, and Nico, and Will, and Thalia, and Leo, and Sophie, and Tam, and Linh, and Dex, and Biana, and stupid Fitz!" I exclaimed, starting to hyperventalate again as I believed I was going crazy.

"We left our book to take you. Will, here, has been making sure we don't kill you." Percy said.

"Well, why am I here, why did you take me?" I demanded, slowly, but surely, slipping out of the binds on my hands.

"We took you, because you haven't updated in forever! People are impatient! So, what's your excuse?"

"Uhhh, life? Homework? Uhhhh... Horseback riding? Play rehearsal? Academic Decathlon?" I sassed back.

"Hmmmmmm... if you don't update in the next two weeks, consider your life ended." Nico said totally not creepily. *note sarcasm*

I gulped audibly.

"I'll try." I said in a small voice, very, very afraid of what these people could do to me if I did not cooperate. "I will," I said more confidently, "now, if you want me to update, I'm going to need to get out."

"Hmmmmmm..." Leo this time, "How about we make it so you can't move your legs without our help, so that way when you sit down to update, you can't leave! Will?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I have something with me now, uhhhhh," Will started rifling through his bag, "Here!" He exclaimed, pulling out a large needle, I tried to squirm away, but the others held me down and twisted my head so the side of my neck was displayed. "And now," Will said in a commentators voice while injecting it into me, "you cannot move your legs, and you are temporarily paralyzed." Will exclaimed happily.

Percy untied me, and picked me up bridle style as my head lolled into his chest from exhaustion.

"I- I think I'm j-just g-gonna get some s-sleep guys." I managed out before I fell unconscious.


I woke up in my chair at my desk, my computer already opened and set.

"I messed with it a bit to make it easier for you to update!" Dex exclaimed happily.

"Yay." I grumbled.

"Now get to work!" Sophie and Percy said in unison. I smirked at them before turning back to my computer and typing away at my next chapter.

The Broken Hero (A Percy Jackson and Keeper of the Lost Cities Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now