"What's with this all of a sudden?" Sora asked, but didn't decline.

Riku backed up, and moved his bangs away from his eyes.

"My plan is for us to win, and make whoever looses buy us dinner," Riku said mischievously, "so we can have a free dinner for us two."

"So dumb," Sora said, then grinned. "I like it."

"Oh. One problem."


"Kei isn't here."

"I see..."

Both Riku and Sora sat down, a bit sad. Riku because he didn't want to do this without his friend, and Sora because he didn't get to talk to him much.

"Let me call him and see when he can come. I'm sure classes don't start until later," Riku mumbled, and dug into his pocket for his phone.

Sora nodded, and took out his own to check some things. When he finished, he saw Riku still talking on the phone. With a sigh, Sora brought his feet up, and leaned back against the table, feeling a bif uncomfortable. While looking around with boredom, he saw a familiar person with blond hair and someone else with red hair.


"Hold on."



Riku turned to him, frowning. He looked towards the place Sora was pointing at, and smiled. He nodded, and returned to the phone.

Sora didn't waste a second. He jumped off the bench, and ran to his friends.


He laughed, and he jumped on a scared and surprised Tidus. Kairi jumped back, also surprised. She laughed when she saw who it was.

"Sora, you idiot. Get off," Tidus mumbled, pulling at his shirt.

With a pout, Sora let him go. Tidus turned to him, feeling a bit shy and nervous. He hadn't forgotten how he had treated Sora. He had apologized a bit, but it was still fresh in his mind. It felt awful fighting with your friend, and never getting to apologize for it in person. Sora seemed to have forgotten. Either that, or he forgave him quickly.

"I haven't you guys in a while. What have you been up to?" Sora asked, then turned to Kairi with a smirk. "Have you found a boyfriend with that difficult attitude of yours?"

Sora didn't expect her to hit him right away, but that's exactly what she did. Sora hissed in pain, but he knew Kairi didn't mean to hit him hard like that. Ever since they were little, they were always fighting but then apologized soon after it happened. Once Sora knew, he stopped Kairi everytime she tried to apologize.

"Wait. That's Riku?" Kairi asked, pushing a whining Sora out of the way. "Oh~ What's this? Gifts for dear Sora?"

She laughed loudly, and pulled both Sora and Tidus with her to where Riku was.

"Bet you already saw them. Didn't you?" she asked Sora, who only looked away and nodded shyly. "Did you get him anything?"

"Of course! This is my second time seeing him, and I wasn't about to come empty handed," Sora exclaimed, "especially since I like him and didn't have any contact at all for a year and a half!"

"Good, if you hadn't, I would've dragged you to a store right now."

"So violent and harsh."

"It's my matchmaker side talking."

"Help me, Tidus," Sora whimpered, but Tidus was also struggling to keep up with Kairi's speed, which they never knew she had.

"Hey, Riku!"

Riku was just ending his call when he heard the yell. He jumped when he saw them, then frowned.

"What's up?"

"Nothing much. Sora was just found us," Kairi said, and sat down next to him, much to Sora's dismay.


His gaze then shifted towards Tidus, who was looking away.

"Aw, come on, Tidus. Didn't we make up?" Riku teased, then turned to Kairi again. "I guess Tidus turned shy?"

"Did not! I'm just tired!" Tidus yelled, then attempted a smile.

"You look scary."

"You look like a bully."

"Very mature," Kairi commented.

"Riku, what did Kei say?"

"Oh! Yeah," Riku said, just remembering after he had forgotten when Tidus and Kairi came. "He said he thinks he can come the day after tomorrow. He's busy doing some stuff right now."


"Yep. Turns out they lost something he had sent. Bunch of idiots if you ask me," Riku said, rolling his eyes. "They shouldn't lose things if they want students."


The lady next to them glanced at them, and saw the rings on Riku's and Sora's hands. She knew what they were, and that worried her. It wasn't a bad thing, but she noticed the dark color. It was painfully obvious that they weren't close, yet they had to be when they gave it to each other. She looked down at her own, which had no color.

She didn't want that for them. But she shouldn't get in their bussiness.

"Sora, wanna go and play on the playground?"

Sora raised an eyebrow, but then nodded. He jumped onto Riku's back. He laughed, somehow ran to the playground. Tidus wasn't going to lose, so he told Kairi to jump on. When she did, he ran after them.

Once on the play ground, they started playing whatever came to mind. The woman sitting down smiled as she watched them. They were like little kids. She saw Riku and Sora close, and guess that they were just starting to fix their relationship.

"Riku, Sora. Let's play a little game of tag. The loser has to run around the park screaming something stupid, which would be the first person to be caught," Tidus suggested, jumping off the moving swing he had just gotten on. "If the person who's "it" doesn't catch anyone in five minutes, then that person is the loser."

The other three looked at each other, then to Tidus.

"Let's do it."

A/N: I should say this. Even after 40+ chapters. Nothing is proofread. It's probably full of mistakes. I apologize for that. I probably said this already though lol sorry

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