Random stories

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Lol here's some random shit that has happened wit me and my fam

One time I was in Walmart and my dad grabbed some febreeze and I grabbed some too (cuz we were buying some for my new house and shit) and like he started spraying me with it and we basically had a duel with febreeze

Another time we were in Toys R Us (rest in peace) and we were like looking at some stuff and Star Wars legos and shit and he grabbed a random ass lightsaber and we started to have a lightsaber duel

(Basically half of these are with my dad smh) Another time we were in Toys R Us we both got on a bike and rode around the whole store that was fuckin great

I once licked a rock thinking it was gonna taste like rock candy

I once thought rock candy was actual crystals from a gem or rock

I once threw a water bottle whilst screaming yeet and hit a girl in the head on field day in 6th grade

My teacher was cussing sometimes in class and I heard she came into class with Clorox wipes and yelled "I HAVE THE PENIS REMOVER" and like-

I've always wondered what lightning tastes like

The reason why my name on here and my nickname is flower boy is because Nev made a flower crown for me last year at like field day and I wore it, then I wore my friends flower crown and then Yolo1506 gave me one

I fucking love that flower crown

I always think "What if someone created a gay strip club called bubbly magic or sparkly magic"

I've been more and more gay ever since that Panic! Concert

My dad once let me wait an hour till we got home just to tell me a dad joke and I fucking screeched

I almost lost my glasses in the ocean....I've never been so terrified in my life

I had this one daydream where like the brave little toaster type shit happens and furniture comes alive and is basically my personality...imagine that

furniture that is basically me

imagine a fukin couch just going SIT ON ME and making weird slurp slurp noises

My friend is a disco cunt (jk jk I love you woods)

I still remember being not born

like all I saw was darkness and shit 

sounds like some edgy white kid-

I sometimes wonder if a cloud tastes like cotton candy

I'm now starting to say same same I came

Um I'm gay lol

I remember one time my dad was drunk and he started saying that's what she said jokes and I learned that when I was like 6

I think I lost my innocence cuz of him

My grandma threatened me with her flip flop one time and then she actually fukin threw it

we were in church XD

I became banana man by having about 30 bananas at lunch and then having someone get the whole lunchroom to clap like 4 times and I basically got lunch shut down early 

bow down to me peasants 

I had someone light this Roman candle firework and they shot me with it

The end

More will be posted soon

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