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This vid gib me a lot of bad vibes and really bad anxiety

It's basically Goner but with (The accordian makes this sound) sounds of a noose swinging, crying, an ambulance, church bells, and it goes to Heavy Dirty Soul and it's distorted.

Been watching this for a day now yeet

And I just read a excerpt from the Forest fic

Imma put it in here

After I put dis vid in here

Basically Forest but in a street

Now a copy and paste from a comment section

The rain," Tyler says.Josh nods, slowly."It's like..." Tyler pauses, searching for the word."Crisper," Josh says."Exactly," Tyler says, nodding."Almost like..." Josh frowns, "red? Maybe?""Mostly," Tyler says. "With a hint of orange.""Orange, right." Josh points at Tyler. "That's right. I keep forgetting that one.""A lot of things are orange, though," Tyler says, frowning."Not where I'm from," Josh says darkly. "Everything's just blue-black there."Tyler winces. "I can't even imagine that.""Don't," Josh says firmly. He shakes his head. "Don't even try."Tyler shudders a little. "Believe me, I don't want to."Josh nods. "Good." He sits up straighter suddenly, cocking his head."My mom coming?" Tyler asks. Josh nods, standing up."Keep it short, yeah?" Josh asks as he closes the closet door."Okay," Tyler replies to the now-empty room.There's a soft tap on the door before his mom pokes her head in."What are you doing, Tyler?" Tyler's mom asks, looking in."Talking to Josh," Tyler tells her. He immediately regrets saying anything."Tyler," his mom says, sighing. "Josh isn't real, remember? We've been over this before.""Right, Mom," Tyler says, nodding. "I'm sorry.""Tyler, I..." His mom pauses, looking unsure. "Don't apologize, okay? It's just that Josh doesn't exist.""Okay," Tyler tells her, waiting for her to leave so Josh can come back.His mom looks at him, something yellow-blue-red in her eyes. He forgets what other people call it. Josh would know."Tyler, you have an appointment tomorrow, remember?" Tyler's mom says. "With Dr. Paulson."Dr. Paulson has lots of markers, a checkerboard, and a liberal use of a drawer full of candy so Tyler won't tell anyone about the one time everything tasted like metal and soap and magenta dipped in candle wax."Okay," Tyler says, nodding.His mom bites her lip. "All right, Tyler," she says. "Remember to eat, okay?""Okay," Tyler echoes, and she closes the door.Josh immediately opens the closet door."Dr. Paulson," he says with a tone of distaste."Why don't you like him?" Tyler asks as he watches Josh settle himself on Tyler's bookshelf."He sounds so..." Josh bites his lip, searching for the words. "I would say purple-green, but I'm missing something, aren't I?""Pink," Tyler says immediately."Right, right," Josh says. He makes a face. "I don't like it when you go there.""Would you rather I go back to Dr. Craig?" Tyler offers.Josh recoils the best he can while perched precariously on a bookshelf."No!" Josh exclaims. "No, no, never!""I was kidding," Tyler says as he sprawls back onto his bed."Some joke," Josh mutters, sounding irritated. "Don't kid about that, okay?""Okay," Tyler says, suddenly reminded by his conversations with his mother. The sound of butter being spread on toast, bland, and purple-red acceptance."No, really," Josh says, hopping off the bookshelf so he can grab Tyler's hand. "Don't joke about that. That was... bad.""It was," Tyler allows, and Josh presses his lips to Tyler's hand."Please don't joke about that, Tyler," Josh murmurs.And Tyler is so charmed by the way Josh's mouth forms his name that he agrees automatically._______________________________Tyler can tell Dr. Paulson has had a long day."Everything all right with your wife, Doctor?" Tyler asks politely."Peachy," Dr. Paulson huffs, flopping down onto his chair. "Chocolate or lollipop?""Lollipop," Tyler answers. He likes to suck them as obscenely as possible once in a while, just to check Dr. Paulson's priorities.The lollipop is red, tasting green-red-yellow, like cherries. Tyler's careful to rub it across his lips, making them as red as possible."Last session we discussed books," Dr. Paulson says, not paying attention to Tyler's treatment of his lollipop. "And headaches.""Those two may as well be synonymous," Tyler says."Yes, you mentioned that many times," Dr. Paulson says, sounding tired."And the Bible-""-has such small print you may as well be looking at a rainbow," the doctor finishes."Although the first part-""-of Genesis is almost entirely green, so you can read it," Dr. Paulson says. "I take very good notes, remember?""I remember," Tyler says in the same tone he uses with his mother.Dr. Paulson, who is entirely familiar with Tyler's vocal tones, sighs."Tyler, I'm sorry I'm not at the top of my game today," he says. He leans forward, and Tyler jerks back so quickly that the lollipop almost goes down his throat. "Sorry, sorry," Dr. Paulson apologizes. He takes off his glasses so he can scrub his face with his hand. "I'm so sorry, Tyler."Tyler doesn't say anything. He thinks that if he opens his mouth, nothing but the 'gibberish' only Josh seems to understand would fall out. His heart's pounding in his chest, and he places his hand over it. Dr. Paulson follows his movements and winces."I'm so sorry, Tyler," he repeats. "I didn't mean to scare you.""I'm okay," Tyler says, pleased when he hears them come out as 'normal' words."You're not, Tyler," Dr. Paulson says with a sigh. "You're not okay." He shakes his head slowly, as if to clear it. "What do you want to talk about today?"Tyler shrugs. "I don't know.""Have you been writing?" Dr. Paulson asks."A little," Tyler mutters, picking a loose thread on his jeans."Have you written about anything particularly interesting?""The treehouse," Tyler says, before wishing he didn't say anything because Dr. Paulson's eyes go blue-orange-green, all interested and almost hungry-looking."What treehouse?" Dr. Paulson asks, jotting something down in his notebook."We- I found a treehouse in the woods," Tyler murmurs, scowling down at the carpet. He feels oddly exposed now."What was the treehouse like?" the doctor asks, not looking up from his notebook."I dunno. Woody." Yellow-purple. The way wet chalk feels. The lowest B on his piano."Do your parents know about the treehouse?" Dr. Paulson asks."Does it matter?" Tyler says, a little more defensively than he intended.Dr. Paulson blinks. "I suppose it doesn't," he says slowly. "I just wanted to know if you've been talking to them.""You could've just asked them that," Tyler points out. "You could've just asked me that.""You're right, Tyler. I'm sorry," Dr. Paulson says, sounding genuinely apologetic. "Have you been talking to your parents?" Tyler snorts. "I thought so." The doctor leans forward slowly, so Tyler has time to prepare for his presence. "I think you should talk to them, Tyler. They really care about you.""They don't." Tyler knows he sounds like a child, like the smell of orange peels, but he doesn't care."They do, Tyler. And they were so, so upset when they found out what had happened to you.""They never believed me.""Tyler, you weren't very easy to understand then," Dr. Paulson says gently. "You still aren't, honestly.""You seem to manage.""I've known you for a long time now, Tyler.""So have my parents.""Have they really?"Tyler is silent for a moment. "No." He pauses. "They don't know me at all.""Tyler, have you ever thought about making peace with your parents?" Dr. Paulson asks.Tyler scowls. "They should be the ones making peace with me.""They're trying, Tyler, really," the doctor says. "I guess you haven't noticed, but they're trying to make amends.""Well, they're doing a heck of a job," Tyler mutters.Dr. Paulson ignores that comment. "They said they've been trying to take you out more and participate in family activities.""I hate crowds," Tyler tells his doctor. "I hate board games. I hate TV.""They don't know what you like, Tyler," Dr. Paulson says. "But I'm sure they'll be happy to do whatever you do like with you.""I..." Tyler pauses. "There's nothing that I like to do."Dr. Paulson goes quiet for a moment. "You like Josh."Tyler blinks. "What?" Dr. Paulson has never willingly brought up the topic of Josh before."I'm not saying that Josh is real, Tyler," the doctor says quickly. "But maybe you could try telling someone in your family about him.""And what purpose would that serve, other then to cater my delusions?""It'll help you open up," Dr. Paulson says, ignoring his sarcasm. "You're much easier to understand when you're talking about something you're passionate about."Tyler thinks about this. "You'll have to tell my parents that it okay for me to talk about Josh."Dr. Paulson sighs. "I didn't mean for that to happen when I told them about Josh, Tyler. I'm sorry."Tyler shrugs. "Whatever."Dr. Paulson nods slowly to himself, jotting something down in his notebook. "I'll talk to them."_______________________________"What are you going to say about me?" Josh asks as he picks at a piece of splintering wood in their treehouse.Tyler shrugs. "I dunno. There's a lot to say.""You could tell them how pink-red-orange I am," Josh says, flashing Tyler one of those smiles that make Tyler melt. "How sexy I am, how I sound like melted marshmallows, how my lips are the key C major, how I can-""Oh, shut up," Tyler says, pushing him playfully.Josh laughs, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he grins. Tyler looks away before Josh can see him staring."My parents think I'm crazy," Tyler says suddenly.Josh sobers immediately, frowning. "You're not crazy.""I know," Tyler says. "But telling them about you isn't going to convince them of that."Josh is silent for a moment. "What are you going to do?"

And I haven't read the Forest fic but I've always seen this excerpt

Lei how do I find the Forest fic ;~;

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