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I know dat vid is late bUT ITS NO NUT NOVEMBER

I swear all these memers 

How about ball peen to the ween

*slaps table over and over liek in this vid* IT IS DE SPOOKEH MONT

Domestic abuse is what happens when I do ball peen to the ween

I'm drunk off of pizza

And bepis

Why did Tommy throw the clock out the window?

Matt: To st-

Because it reminded him of Arnold Clock, the guy who knife raped his wife

this joke was made by Fitz and some comedian

I'm like really high

Eating candy now

Fellow Comrade, I bear the unrelenting desire to for you and myself to head our X,Y and Z coordination upon the premises of our local death keep- *I MEAN* les go to de Graveyard!

*domestic abuse to my table* 

*green mario noises*

I'm going to go unironically commit rope suicide now

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