Off to Infinite Warfare 2

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Nyoooooooooom Off to Infinite Warfare 2! Where we steal twice as much of your supply drops, money, and cod points! *cough* Activision probably with Call of Duty Black Ops 4 (I think it will be ok but bad at the same time) like you have dat bundle where you get a pin, keychain, socks, and something else and you don't get the game so like the bundle is $30 so that's the first. Anywayyyyysss I actually got sleep but I think I'm gonna take another nap w h y a m i d o i n g t h i s t o m y s e l f and suffer like last night hue hue hue hue h e l p m e p l e a s e I think the aliens had to visit to make sure I was okay but idk broski it was weird, oh speaking of weird I woke up with my dog (I have two ones a smol bean while the other is this big doggo) and the big doggo decided to sleep on my chest and I couldn't get out of my bed for like 30 minutes so that was greaaaaat. T o t a l l y n o t l i s t e n i n g t o e v e r y s i n g l e t w e n t y o n e p i l o t s so n g r i g h t n o w

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