"Rose I'm heading out. But I would love if you came and went to lunch with me, I will order you a cab and everything." He has a hopeful look in his grey eyes for some reason. Like I could say no to Danny and food.

"Of course you knob, call me after you call the cab alright?"

"Of course. I'll see you later and get cozy me Casa Su Casa."Danny chuckles after finishing his sentence. While I shake my head at his idiocy. Danny scurries our the door mumbling everything he has in his arm. I laugh when he checks his watch and then starts running around like a mad men.

"Looking for these?" I say dangling his keys to his Audi in my finger.

"You are a life saver Rose Lynn!"


A couple hours later I am done packing and as soon as I lay down my phone beeps signaling a text.

"Hey ordered the cab. Should be there in ten. See you soon!"

"Whatever you say Danny boy, see you soon:) xx"

I change into a pair of ripped jeans and a plain white shirt. As I walk out of the house I slide on my vans and make sure my hair looks ok.

In about nine minutes I'm in a cab and on my way to Styles Inc.
We pull up to the huge stunning building and my jaw drops. It's really high up, probably twenty floors in total. I can't really tell. As soon as I walk in I am greeted with nice marble floors and modern furniture and lighting. I look straight and see "STYLES INC." on the wall.

"Hi welcome to Styles Inc. what can I do for you?" The receptionist greets me.

"Hello, I'm here to meet my friend Danny Winchester."

"Alright sign in to the left, and take a badge. Then you are free to go up. He is on floor twenty." She smiles at me.

It is only then that I notice her name is Alissa. She is very pretty. Long brown hair, blue eyes, and a gracious smile. I thank her and go to the elevator and press the button for the floor twenty. Whistling a tune on my way up. I step out and as soon as I do I am greeted with a hard chest.

"Rose! Alissa just phoned me. I was gonna come get you.Now come on, I have food in my office. We can't go out today so I apologize for that. Something came up and Mr. Styles needs my help."

We walk into his nice sized office and the first thing I notice is the large window. To the left is a bookcase covering the whole wall full of books and other objects. Filing cabinets are on the far left of the wall. His desk with a MacBook on top and papers stacked on the side. In front of the desk is two black leathers chairs.

I have learned that Danny is very busy here at Styles Inc. He is head of finances so he has a lot to do. He has been working here ever since he moved. But he is very smart when it comes to math and money so I'm not surprised he is head of finances.

We sit and chat for thirty minutes and Danny also does his work. While he is busy I look outside his window of his office. It's a pretty view you can see a ton. And I admire the way the streets are bustling down below us.

"You're fired! What do you not get about that? Get out of my damn office!" A voice roars from next door. I flinch when whoever raises their voice.

"That is not good." Danny shakes his head.

"Who was that?" I question sitting back down in the chair across his desk.

"That would be Mr. Styles. He probably just fired his shitty assistant Angelina,"Danny shakes his head as he continues on. "She sucked. Like absolutely sucked. She always messed up his schedule and never gave me the right numbers to put in. So I'm not surprised she's fired."

"Oh." I nod my head at his answer. Danny looks up at me with a certain smile. I know what that smile means.

"Oh gosh. What are you thinking?" I question. Danny chuckles then looks at the door, then back at me.

"What if I got you an interview to be his new assistant?" He questions.

"I don't know Danny. He seems...rude. But I do really need a job." I contemplate the thought, looking down at my lap. I have already worked for an asshole before, so I don't really want to do it again. But that's just life I guess Danny has told me him and his boss get along well. So he probably could get the interview for me. Not only do I have the requirements to be an assistant, I am organized enough to do it.

When I look up I see Danny's puppy eyes. And I give in after a minute.

"Ok fine,"I sigh but then smile "Thank you Danny I really appreciate it."

"No problem Rose. I will ask him before I leave and then I should have an answer when I get home whether he wants the interview or not. Remember it isn't a for sure you will even get it, I just want to help out." I smile at him and stand up, giving him a small kiss on the cheek.

"Alright. Well I guess I should go dig up my resume and look for jobs just in case. Thank you again. I will see you at home bye." Danny waves and gets back to typing on his MacBook. As soon as I walk out I bump into a hard chest.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry!" I say to whoever. And look up to see piercing forest green eyes staring back at my honey brown eyes.

He doesn't say anything just huffs and walks into Dannys office with files in his hand.

"Oookkkk" I mumble under my breath.

I walk into the elevators and wonder who that was all the way home.

hope you enjoyed this chapter. I will be updating probably a lot because I like writing. But sorry if the first few chapters are rough. :)
Till next time

Edited August 13, 2019

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