Chapter One

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AN: It took me forever to find a Drarry video on Youtube that wasn't restricted on Wattpad so if any of you lovely readers know of one that works on here and doesn't have cosplayers, just send it to me through a Private Message. Enjoy the Drarry!!

Ps. Much smut in video. You have been warned. Like, actual sex happening. I honestly didn't watch it till after I published because it was hard enough finding a video without restrictions.


Harry quickened his pace towards the train. His two closet friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, flanking him on either side. Draco stood alone. He eyed Harry, his nemesis and secret crush. You know what they say in primary school; if a boy bullies you, he fancies you. Well in this case it was true. He was just too perfect. Utterly stupid and arrogant, but perfect. And yes, Draco Malfoy loved him for it.

Harry caught Draco's eye and winked before sauntering onto the train. Draco Malfoy blinked, realizing he'd been staring and walked over to the train. Aimlessly and arrogantly, he paced the corridor. The fear of what Harry may have just realized. . . swallowing him whole.

Harry sank into his seat, blanking out Ron and Hermione as they argued again about something or other. I can't believe I just did that. . . I winked at him!!! What if he realizes that I want him? His pure-blood ways and how he prounces Potter, melts me. I just want to be with him always; even when all he does is insult me. He's part of me and I wish that he knew. These thoughts raced through Harry's mind as he looked out of the door to his private section, only to see Draco in all his honor, pacing the corridor. Harry turned away before he became too attached. Draco was such a sex god, especially when he's at his most arrogant.

Draco's POV

I looked down the corridor of the train and saw Harry's face staring at me through the window. If only I could talk to him normally. Harry looked away, muttering to himself. I smirked, planning how to attract Harry to me with open arms.


We all sat and waited for the feast as they re-sorted the first years. Everyone was taken back a year after the war, of course over 18 and you didn't have to, but everyone still alive and well did all the same.

I of course thought of my future boyfriend/husband Potter. Hmm, wish he'd just take off his shirt.

In the few months after the war, I missed my boy. But it was worth it now.

Hogwarts has re-opened and feels much the same as before. I even miss that stupid, interfering Dumbledore and my God-father Severus. The few I can see who have returned are Longbottom, the two youngest Weasles, Loony, Goyle- though personally I don't know why he bothered- and that stupid Pugface Parkinson. I wish she'd realize I'm gay. Gay for Potter.

It's rather surprisingthat they managed to recover the school so fast.

I struggled to pay attention to McGonagall as she pronounced that the feast has begun. I dig into the warm, delicious food and watching Harry with amusement as his eyebrows rose in pleasure. I wonder how badly the Dursley's treated him. I heard that their son, Dudley, made Harry's life a living hell. I wish I could keep him safe, I wish I could protect him.

Harry's POV

I looked over to the Slytherin table, Draco sat there not talking. He seemed to be concentrating fully on his food and then he looked up. His silvery grey eyes met mine and I felt myself go pink. I turned around and studied my chicken.

I swear to god I heard him chuckle.


AN: Well there it is folks. Chapter one is finished being edited by me. Remember to give your full support as I want to prove that this book does have a good place in which it's heading.

Chapter two will most likely be completely different from the original version as I want to add in a few parts. Not quite sure if it deserves a full chapter but I do need to name a new Defense Against the Arts teacher. But I believe I have a sorta-friend that will be willing to help with that. Just gotta convince him that Drarry is normal~ish.

Hurgly out!! 🐽

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