When You Start Your Period Prt. 2

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A/N: Sorry for the late updates. It's hard when everyone in the house wants/needs the computer at the same time. Also, if my parents want it, they get it in my household; so ya know, only thing is, we get it first if we have homework online. Which I'm in an advanced school that only really uses computers so my homework's usually online, which I don't usually have homework anyway. But, anyways, this is the second chapter of 'When You Start Your Period.' This chapter will include the following Creepypasta: Masky, Ticci Toby, Hoodie, Jane, Clockwork, and Puppeteer. Hope you enjoy! Also, Jane's scenario will be like you've already had it.

Masky(Age 11):

"DAAAAAADDDDDD!!!!!", Both Hoodie and Masky jumped up and ran to your room. You, however, were not in your room. You were in the bathroom. They, not realizing it, freak out completely. Hoodie ran out to search the mansion and Masky ran in to search your room(even though it was clear you weren't in there). Masky ran in and immediately started throwing the pillows off your bed(As if you'd be under there. C'mon Masky check the freaking bathroom, doors not that far away...). "My child is missing!", He exclaimed as he rummaged through the mess he, himself, made. "WHYYYY!? WHY IS THE WORLD SO CRUEL!?!?!", He sobbed dramatically. "Dad? Are you serious; I'm right here." He scanned the room in confusion. "OH NO! SHE'S BECOME INVISABLE!" "No. I'm in the bathroom. Y'know, the door right next to you." He looked over. "Oh," He muttered. "... Did you make a mess..?", You asked from the other side of the door. "Uh...", He mumbled as he looked around, "No..?" "You did, didn't you?" He nodded to himself, but denied it out loud. "You sure?" "Yes." "If I come out and my room's a mess, I'm gonna move your cheesecake to some place you'll never find them." "If you do, you're grounded." "... Touché..." It was silent for a moment. "I started my period, by the way." Masky fainted. You, hearing the thud, leaned on the door. "I should've called for Clocky."

(Fun Fact: Hoodie was looking all over for you, because no one told him you were in the bathroom and were find. Mama Hoodie was upset.)

Ticci Toby(Age 13):

You walked down the hall, hiding your bottom half with two jackets wrapped around your waist. One in the front, and one in the back. You walked into the living room where BEN and Jeff where playing video games, Jane was braiding Sally's hair, and your father was annoying Masky. You walked up to your dad. "Dad?", You started, getting interrupted a short time later. "Shh! He's about to reach his breaking point." You huffed, annoyed. "Dad," You tried again. "Hold on." Your face was starting to turn red, "Dad..." "Hold on!" You inhaled deeply, "DAD!" Toby jumped in his spot. He finally turned to you, "What?" "There's blood coming from my no-no zone." Toby paled. He got up, held you at arm's length, and took you to Jane. "Help her, she's dying," He said and ran away. You watched him run away, confused. You turned to Jane, who was also confused, and said, "Am I really dying?"

(Fun Fact: After you told her what happened, she explained to you what a period was and helped you with your problem. You also faked your own death(Jane's idea)to scare your dad.)

Hoodie(Age 14):

You would not come out of your room. "(Y/N), Honey. You need to come out," Hoodie tried to coax you out. "NO!" Masky tried to help, "Cheesecake? You want some cheesecake? You'll only get it if you come out," He attempted. "NO!" They looked at each other. Hoodie questioned, "Why don't you want to come out?" "BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO! IS THAT A PROBLEM!?" Masky stepped up, "YES! GET YOUR LITTLE BUTT OUT OF THAT CRAMPED ROOM NOW!" "NO!" Masky mocked offence as he placed his hand on his chest and gasped dramatically. Hoodie shook his head at Masky's dramatic display. He sighed quietly. "What's wrong, Sweetheart? Let me help you." "You can't help me!", And then, you broke out into a sob. Masky backed away from the door awkwardly. "I'm not good with the crying, you're on your own, Hoodster," And then he left. Hoodie glared at him as he watched Masky leave. "Are you okay? C'mon, tell daddy what's wrong." "No! You wouldn't get it! I need a girl!" At that statement, something clicked in Hoodie's head. "Honey, did you start your period..?" It was silent for a moment. "... Yes..." Hoodie sighed. "I can help." "How?" "Well, for starters, I can get chocolate/some other type of candy, ice cream, and lady products from the store for you. We can have a lazy father/daughter day and watch you favorite movies/tv shows. How's that sound?" You sniffled, "...Good." Hoodie smiled, "Good."

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