When You Start Your Period Prt. 1

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A/N: Most of these will be for the first time; actually, all except Jack and Jane's scenario. For most of them I will upping the ages. I might revert back to the original ages in the next scenario; I don't know. This chapter will include the following Creepypasta: Slenderman, Jeff the Killer, BEN Drowned, Eyeless Jack, and Laughing Jack. ENJOY CHILDREN!


"SWEET HONEY ICE TEA! WHAT THE FUCK!? DAAAAAD! I'M DYING!", You screeched in horror. Slender came racing to the door, "Are you okay, Child!? What is it!? ALSO—Don't curse under my roof.." "THERE IS BLOOD COMING FROM MY VIGINA!", You screamed. Your father audibly sighed in relief. "This is natural, Child. Don't worry. It will only last three to five days; a week at most," He explained. "YOU MEAN TO TELL ME THAT I'LL BE LOSING BLOOD FROM MY NO-NO ZONE FOR A WEEK!?!?", You flipped, obviously not happy. He sighed. BEN snickered as he passed by. "What? Have you not went over this in school yet?" "I'M HOMESCHOOLED, YOU IDIOT!" "THAT'S EVEN HARDER TO BELIEVE!", BEN bursted out laughing, "I mean—*wheeze*—c–considering you're on the internet all the time... Haha!", He trailed off with a laugh. "..." Your silence caused BEN to stop abruptly. Then, you jumped down from the vent above him, tackled him down, and beat the shit out of him. Even though Slenderman was standing there and BEN was screaming for help, he didn't do anything because he knew BEN deserved it; also, you were kinda scary in that moment...

(A/N: You were in the bathroom btw. You climbed into the vents to attack BEN by surprise. Thought I'd explain that.)

(Fun Fact: Sally came in to see you beating the crap out of BEN. "Daddy, why's Sis hurting BEN?" "Shhh... Don't ask... You want ice cream?" "YES/YUS!" You both answered. And so you all got ice cream; except BEN, BEN got a free trip to Smiley.)

Jeff the Killer(11):

"Psst! Jane!" Jeff heard his daughter whisper-yell. He turned to see her head peeked around the corner. Jane walked up to her. He watched them intently as they continued to whisper. He saw Jane grin and his brows furrowed. She gestured for (Y/n) to follow her. Jeff watched them walk off suspiciously, before going to follow them. He watched as (Y/n) followed Jane into her bedroom, a deep blush spread on her face. Jeff's eyes widened slightly; his mind totally went to the gutter. "Oh, hell no," He whispered angrily. He leaned against the door, to make sure he's not right with his thoughts. "This should do well. Oh, and I have a heating pad if you want to borrow it." "Thanks, Mom." Jeff growled lowly, "She's not your mom." "No problem, periods are horrible." Jeff's face went from pure white to bright red in a second, "Eh—!" And then, the door opened and Jeff fell inside the room. Jane looked at him annoyed and then kicked him in the head before heading out. "D–Dad!?", You screamed, embarrassed. He twitched on the floor, in pain and shock. "I can't believe you eavesdropped on us! This is a private girl matter!" You then proceeded to throw the nearest object at him; which happened to be one of Jane's throwing knives(You thought you'd grab a pillow... You were wrong.) "ACK!" "OH MY GOD, I'M SO SORRY!"

(Fun Fact: BEN wasn't the only one who got a free trip to Smiley, but Jeff had someone who actually worried about him... Sorry, BEN.)

BEN Drowned(12):

BEN came into your room with a grin, only to see you on your bed sobbing. His grin was quickly replaced with a concerned look as he walked up to you cautiously. "Are you alright, Babygirl?" You looked, full-on sobbing, "WHY DO TURTLES HAVE TO SUFFER!?" He backed away slightly, afraid you had gone psychotic. "I... Don't know..?" You yelled out and threw your head back into the pillow. BEN backed away slowly, ready to go get Smiley.

*Time-Skip brought to you by: Emo Unicorn 🦄*

BEN stood next to Smiley as he observed you from the doorway. He hummed in thought. "She's started her period," He said nonchalantly. BEN's face paled and he ended up fainting. Good thing Smiley was already there.

(Fun Fact: Smiley's very close to quitting... Not that he actually can, but he really wants to. He has to deal with the parents AND hormonal teens way too often. #AlternateRealitiesBroken)

Eyeless Jack(13):

An ear piercing screech erupted the once tranquil silence of the mansion. It startle Jack from his peaceful reading. Thinking it was his precious, innocent, sweetevil(jk)—baby girl. He ran up to where the shrieking was coming from. And—to his relief—only found Jeff screaming like a little girl. He sighed, "Why're you screaming?" Jeff pointed to the bathroom trash can and replied in a shrill voice, "It's—It's—Maternal Blood! EW! EW EW EW! THIS IS MY BATHROOM, WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS!?" EJ glance to the trash can and saw a used pad. He looked at Jeff in annoyance. "Really? You see blood all the time." "BUT IT DOESN'T COME FROM A VIGINA!" His yelling was interrupted by you, "I GET IT! I HAVE A VIGINA! I'VE STARTED MY PERIOD! IT'S NATURAL, MOVE THE FUCK ON! AND SHUT YOUR MOUTH, ASSHOLE, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW THE PAIN THAT I'M IN!" That... Shut Jeff up. And EJ went out in disguise to get stuff for you; like, ice cream and chocolates(or whatever you like).

(Fun Fact: Jeff asked Slender to install a lock that only he has a key to; and yet, you still get in somehow.)

Laughing Jack(11):

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!", Your scream resonated within the mansion. LJ rushed to the kitchen. He was met with an unexpected sight. BEN was shivering in fear in the corner of the room and you were seething in anger. "THESE WERE MY (insert fav. cereal here)!!!", You screeched. "I—I'm s–sorry.." "Sorry..? SORRY!?", You killed everyone's—who was in the mansion at the time—eardrums. AAAAAAANNNNNDDDD, I would tell you everything that happened afterwards, but that's a little too much for this scenario book... Even for me... Let's just leave it as: that's the story about how BEN almost died—again.

(Fun Fact: You scare many now. Before, you were just a cute little sweetheart; now, you're a deadly killing machine...)

A/N: My inspiration was on and off for this one. I had some good ideas for some and for others—not so much. But I tried..? Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed! Thanks for reading! BA BAI! ;) Also I'll try to update Ticci Toby BF Scenarios a soon as possible.

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