Meeting You

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A/N: So this chapter is gonna be about how your father creepypasta met you. There are gonna be several different creepypastas in this chapter including: Slenderman, Jeff the Killer, BEN Drowned, Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack, Masky, Ticci Toby, Hoodie, Jane and Clockwork. If you'd like another character please request them in the comments section below, thanks and enjoy!

Slenderman(you're 3):

I was hiding in the hall closet from my daddy. He has been mean to me ever since Mommy died. He has also been drinking weird smelling water ever since she died. I miss Mommy. I cried quietly.
I heard a crash down the hall. I cried more when I heard his voice. "Where are ya, ya little bitch!?!", He yelled. His pounding footsteps got closer to the closest door. I stayed as quiet as I possibly could.
Then the closet door flew open. "*Sniff* D-daddy.. p-pwease I-i'm s-s-sorry. P-pwease don't h-hurt me..", I sobbed. He pulled me out of the closet by my hair. "O-OW! D-DADDY S-STOP! P-PWEASE!!", I cried as he dragged me outside. "Daddy!", I cried.
He dragged me to the woods by my hair. I continued to cry and beg for him to stop. "SHUT THE HELL UP, YA LITTLE SHIT!!", He yelled back at me. I cried. Tears poured from my eyes as I continued to cry, struggle, and beg.
When we were deep in the woods he started smacking me in the face while he held my head by my hair. "No! No! Daddy! Pwease stop! Pwease! Stop! Stop! Pwease! Daddy!", I cried.

Slenderman's P.O.V:

I was in the woods doing my normal routine... Looking for victims and watching future victims. So I was just strolling along when I heard crying and screaming. "No! No! Daddy! Pwease stop! Pwease! Stop! Stop! Pwease! Daddy!", A tiny voice cried. It sounded a little fair, but I started walking that way.
Once I got to where the screams and cries came from I saw a man beating a poor, helpless three year old girl. I stepped out of the shadows and showed myself. The man saw me and dropped the girl. His eyes were wide. He began to run away, but I teleported Infront of him and quickly killed him.
Once I got done killing him I 'looked' at the small girl. She looked up at me. "Hello, child. What is your name?", I asked. "M-my name is (Y/n).. tank you for saving me mister.", She responded. I 'smiled'. "How would you like for me to be your father?", I asked.
She perked right up with a bright smile. "I would wuv dat!", She replied happily. She made grabby hands to indicate for me to pick her up. I picked her up. "Come, child.. I shall introduce you to the others.", I said, walking towards the mansion. 'I wonder what the others will think.', I thought.

Jeff the Killer(you're 1):

His P.O.V:

So, It was a normal day for me. Ya know, just out on a killing spree. Yeah, well, it's fun so, why not? I was walking down the darkened streets of this neighborhood. Just scouting out which house to go to first, and which family should I kill first.
You know, the typical stuff. So anyways, I was just walking down this street and scouting. No body was out at the time.. wonder why. So just walking, when I saw a particular house that caught my eye.
So I went up to this big, interesting house. Surprisingly the door was unlocked. Wow, who could be so stupid? I just walked right in 'cause I'm not really in that big of a hurry. I slowly and quietly walked up to the master bedroom.
There was only one person in the bed soooo..... I decided to have some fun with this. I purposely knocked over a glass vase then retreated to the shadows. Once the vase hit the ground and broke, making a 'crash', the woman jumped out of bed. "W-who's there?", She asked; fear dripping from her voice.
I chuckled evily. She jumped in fear as she spun around. I started to step out of the shadows. She slowly backed against the wall behind her; fear filled her eyes.
"S-stay back!", She yelled. I walked closer. She got a glimpse of my face. She starred in horror. My knifed shined in the moonlight. She must've seen because she begged, "P-please... D-don't kill me.."
My smile grew. I pounced on her. She struggled beneath my grip. I leaned close to her ear. "Go. To. Sleep.", I said in a husky voice.
I raised my knife and jabbed it into her heart repeatedly. Her blood churning screams filled the silence until they all stopped. She was dead. I smiled at my work as I wrote 'GO TO SLEEP' on the wall using her blood. I chuckled to myself.
I was still interested in the house so I stayed a bit longer. I walked around looking at stuff, going through draws, and going through the fridge. Until.... I heard crying. I hesitantly got up. I followed the cries.
The crying continued as I stopped at a (f/c) door. I slowly opened the door and walked in. In the room I saw stuffed animals and a crib. I walked up to the crib, where the crying was coming from. I looked over and saw a baby girl.
She looked at me and stopped crying. She giggled and gurgled. This shocked me. She made grabby hands so I picked her up. She giggled.
I couldn't ignore how adorable it was. I smiled. Then it hit me. I had killed the only parent this kid had. I felt kinda guilty, but I got an idea.
I looked at the young child in my arms. "Guess I'm gonna be your new dad, huh?", I chuckled to myself. "Now, what should I call you..?", I asked and began thinking. I snapped my fingers. "Oh, I know! I'm gonna call you (Y/n)..!", I said and she giggled.
I carried her home. 'I wonder what the others are gonna think..', I thought.

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