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A/N: This chapter will be about your birthday! Some scenarios you will age one year and others, you'll be maybe 2 or 3 years older. This chapter will include the following Creepypasta: Slenderman, Jeff the Killer, BEN Drowned, Eyeless Jack, and Laughing Jack.


You yawned, stretching as you got up from your comfy, (F/C) bed. You drowsily looked around your room, before suddenly perking up. "It's my birthday!" You ran out of your room, squealing. You ran into your father's room and jumped on him, successfully waking him up. "Daddy! Daddy!" He looked up at you. "Yes, child?", He 'smiled' up at you. "Do you know what day it is?? Do ya! Do ya!", You squealed in delight. "Hm... As I recall, it is your birthday, correct?", He answered playfully. You hummed as you nodded happily. He chuckled and picked you up, getting up himself. "What would you like to do today?" "Oh! Oh! I wanna play (Fav. Board game/ game)! An—And then! And then we can eat (F/Cake) and (F/I/C)(Fav. Ice-cream)! And—!", You were cut off by a chuckle. You looked up at Slenderdad. "Alright, child.", He chuckled. As you two headed downstairs, you noticed how quiet it was. You looked around noticing the house was empty. "Daddy.." Slenderdad looked at you, "Yes?" "Where is everyone?" Slenderdad stopped for a moment before continuing on. "Well, it is early...", He trailed off. You nodded slowly in understanding. "Okay." You two reached the dark kitchen. Slenderdad turned on the lights. As soon as the lights came on Pastas came out from everywhere. Literally. BEN, Dark Link, and LJ came out of some of the cabinets. EJ came out of the fridge. Puppeteer and Bloody Painter dropped from the ceiling vent. And etc. Splenderman held a (Fav. Flavor) Cake. Jane had a tub of (Fav. Flavor) ice-cream. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!", Everyone screamed. You squealed in delight. "YAY! THANK YOUUUU!!!", You exclaimed. Let's just say, you had the best birthday in years.

Jeff the Killer(5!):

You woke up. You yawned and drowsily looked around. You gasped in surprise and joy. You looked around. Your room was filled with (F/C) balloons and presents. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE", You screamed joyfully. Jeff ran in, his forever smile even wider than usual. A (Fav. Flavor) Cake in his hands. You squealed once again. "DADDY!" You exclaimed, running and hugging his legs. The rest of the Pastas filed in. "THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!", You exclaimed. You hugged each and every one of them.


It was present opening time and you were excited. Your first present was from your dad, he got you a toy knife set. Slender got you a tea set, for when you want to play tea party with Sally. Trender got you a few different sets of outfits that he made especially for you. Offenderman offered you a rose, which as soon as Jeff saw he stabbed him in the butt. BEN got you 3DS and a few games along with it. Jane gave you a teddy, which you named Charlie Jr. Toby gave you a plate of waffles. You looked at him flatly, before putting on a fake smile which got a grin in response. You got many more gifts after that. You had a great day!

BEN Drowned(6!):

You smiled drowsily. You had been up all night trying to beat the entire game of (F/G). Just as BEN came in to wake you up you passed out. "Uhhh...", BEN mumbled, before he closed the door to let you sleep. The Pastas were right behind him, confused as to why he didn't even go into the room. BEN just turned to them, shrugged, and shook his head. You spent the rest of your birthday sleeping, but don't worry, you celebrated it the next day. Buuutttt.... BEN established a bed time.

Eyeless Jack(3!):

You woke up and shook your dad awake. You had a nightmare the night before, so you slept with him the rest of the night. "Hmm...", Jack hummed in his sleep before rolling over. You puffed out your cheeks. You poked him. He still didn't get up. You huffed.


You tried everything to get him up. Shaking him, poking him, snaking him. Nothing worked. Last resort. You took in a deep breath and screamed. Eyeless Dad fell out of bed before jumping up and looking around frantically. He looked at you before calming down. "What in the wor—", He was cut off by the entire house rushing in the room. "What happened!?", Jeff asked frantically, knife raised. You giggled. Everyone looked at you. "Oopsy..", You giggled nervously. Everyone still had their night clothes on, after all, it was only 7:00 in the morning. Half of the Pastas groaned. "Why did you scream, my child?", Slender questioned. "Daddy wouldn't wake up..", You hesitantly replied, embarrassed. "(Y/n), I love you, sweetheart, but—Never do that again.", EJ said calmly. You slowly nodded, feeling ashamed. "It's alright, sweetie. You just scared your daddy, and the rest of us.", Nina comforted. You replied with a small 'okay'. "While, we're up—Why don't we get the presents ready?", EJ suggested. You quickly grinned up at them. "I'll make the coffee, Darlings.", Trender stated. "Sally, (Y/n), do you two want hot cocoa?" You and Sally nodded happily. And so, the day went on. You and Sally played together after you opened all of your presents. And you continuously got hot cocoa refills from Trender.

Laughing Jack(11!):

LJ sighed sadly. You were growing up. True, he only had you for a year, but to him it felt like he'd had you you're entire life. You had him wrapped around your little finger. Slenderman sighed. "Laughing Jack. Calm down. You act as if she were turning twenty one and ready to move out." "As if that'll happen.", Jeff snorted. LJ smacked him with his big, clawed hands. "OW!" "It's kinda true, LJ. She's a Pasta now, we all live here! And some of us (Slender) are probably a thousand years old!", BEN pressed. If Slenderman had a face, he would be looking at BEN like this '–__–'. He'd be giving him the bitch face. "BUT WHAT IF SHE DOESN'T—", Clockwork covered LJ's big mouth. "SH! You'll ruin the surprise! Now shut up! All of you!", She whisper/yelled. You were coming their way, confusion on your face. You hadn't seen anyone all morning. You slowly walked to the arch that leads to the dark kitchen. "Hurry up and turn on the lights! She's scared of the dark!", LJ whisper/yelled. Trender flicked on the lights and everyone jumped from their hiding spots yelling 'SURPRISE!' and 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!' You smiled and tackled your dad in a hug screaming, "Thank you! I love you guys!" You had a cool birthday packed with all of your favorite candies.

A/N: Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed! BA BYE! :)

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