You Get Sick Prt. 1

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A/N: Sorry for not updating yesterday! I'm updating today instead. Anyways, this chapter will be about when you get sick and how you parents react and such. This chapter will include the doll Creepypasta: Slenderman, Jeff the Killer, BEN Drowned, Eyeless Jack, and Laughing Jack. ENJOY!


Slenderman had planned to spend time with you today. He had made you pancakes along with a glass of orange juice. He already had to smack Toby's hands three times because he tried to steal them. He turned around to set the glass down next to the plate (of deliciousness) just in time to see Toby reaching for it again. Quickly, he smacked Toby's hand once again. Toby withdrew with an 'ow!' "Do not touch them! I have already told you four times that these are for (Y/n).", He scolded. Toby sighed sadly and turned away. Just then, Eyeless Jack walked in. "EJ, I need you to watch Toby. Make sure he doesn't touch those, while I go to wake up (Y/n).", Slenderman said, gesturing to the plate of pancakes. EJ nodded. Slenderman walked to your room. He silently knocked on your door before he opened it. He walked into the room to see you curled up in a ball on the bed with no covers. He walked over to your shivering sweaty form and kneeled down. He brushed the hair from your face as you whimpered. "Child.", He said. You weakly cracked your eyes open. "D-Daddy..", You whimpered. He felt his heart break at the sound of your weak and cracked voice. "D-Dad-Daddy... I f-feel si-sick.", You cried quietly. "What hurts, child?", He questioned, rubbing your hair soothingly. "Ev-everything..", You cried. "Sh, Sh. I will go get Smiley.", He stated giving you a kiss on the temple before leaving the room.


A few moments later he returned with Dr. Smiley. After Smiley had checked on you he had diagnosed you with the flu. He told Slender to make sure you have plenty of fluids and that you should eat mostly soup. He also gave him medicine to give to you. Slender sighed. Once Dr. Smiley was gone Slender walked over to your shriveling form. "Are you hungry, child?", You shook your head at his question. "Alright."

And the rest of the day was spent with Slenderman taking care of you like the good father he is. He fed you soup and gave you medicine when needed. He even read fairytales to you. In the end, Toby ended up eating your pancakes.

Jeff the Killer(5):

Jeff's horrified shriek could be heard throughout the mansion. What had happened was: you had woken up with a fever and a tummy ache (😖) and so you went to tell your father. As soon as you got to him though, you had puked all over him and ultimately ended up passing out. Although he was disgusted by the vomit all over him; his shriek was because you passed out. Fear coursed through Jeff's veins, "MY BABY!" This ended up with a frantic and panicky Jeff following closely behind EJ who was carrying you to Dr. Smiley. BEN was still sat in the living room gagging at the smell of vomit as Trenderman tried to get Jeff to stop for five seconds to change his clothes. "M-Y-Y-Y BA-A-ABY!!!", Jeff wailed trying to break from Trender's hold. "CHANGE YOUR CLOTHES!!" "JEFFERY WOODS!!", All attention was snapped to Slenderman. "She is with Dr. Smiley and will be alright! Now listen to Trenderman and change your clothes!", He stated. Jeff ended up changing his clothes in the end, nonetheless he was back by your side in seconds. "What's wrong with her Doc!?", Jeff wailed, gripping onto Smiley. "She just has a stomach bug. She'll be fine. She just passed out from exhaustion. She just needs some rest.", Smiley sighed, pushing Jeff away. Jeff sniffled, "So she'll be okay?" Smiley sighed and nodded before giving Jeff directions on how to care for you.

For the rest of the day Jeff took care of you with the help of EJ.

BEN Drowned(6):

You were crying. BEN wasn't at the mansion at the moment since he was busy torturing a victim. Jeff was supposed to watch you, but ditched you; so now Jane is watching you. You were crying because your eye hurt. Jane was trying to calm you down while Smiley checked up on you. You had a little fear of doctors: mostly because you thought they'd always give you shots, so him being there caused you to cry more. You trashed around as Jane held you. "(Y/n)! Calm down, he's here to help you!", Jane tried to calm you. You shook your head vigorously as you sobbed. Just then, BEN came through the TV. He examined the seen and quickly became angry seeing your sobbing form. You saw BEN from the corner of your good eye and ran to him. "DADDY!", You wailed. You hid behind him. "What's going on here!?", BEN questioned. "Her eye hurts and she won't let Smiley check it.", Jane explained. BEN looked back at you to see your left eye a pink color. You whimpered. "Babes, I think you should let the Doc see your eye.", BEN knelt down. You shook your head, stepping back as tears filled your eyes. BEN grabbed your shoulders gently and offered you a soft smile. You hesitantly nodded. Turns out you had pink eye. And you couldn't play video games which made you a bit sad, but you were happy your father was by your side the rest of the day.

Eyeless Jack(3):

Jack woke up to your coughing. He turned on his side to see you standing in his doorway; your blanket clutched in your tiny fists. He sat up a bit. "Daddy..", You whined. "What is it, baby?", He asked gesturing to come over. You walked over to his bed. The moonlight from the window lighting your face. Jack caught sight of your flushed cheeks and your running nose. "M-My throat hu-hurts.", You coughed. He hummed and put his hand on your forehead. "Your running a fever.", He muttered. He got out of bed and picked you up. "C'mon, sweetie.", He carried you to the kitchen. He took your temperature. "You only have a low fever, nothing serious.", He mumbled. "You said your throat hurts?" You nodded and coughed. He gave you some medicine and a coughed drop. "Can I sleep with you, daddy?", You asked as he picked you up once more. He nodded.

You two ended up sleeping the rest of the morning.

Laughing Jack(11):

You and LJ were crying together. You both had cavities. Basically you two spent the entire day whining together because you couldn't eat candy and your teeth hurt. "WHY-Y-Y!", You two bawled. Smiley sighed. "If I catch either of you trying to sneak candy I will put you both on lock down. And if this ever happens again I don't want to here you whining, because I warned you. I'm not going to deal with it if you don't listen to me.", Smiley grunted. You and LJ sat pouting at the doctor. "But—" "No buts! Either of you! Now, go to your rooms. I have work to do.", Smiley said, retreating back to his 'patient'. You and LJ whined. Who would've thought this would happen?

A/N: I hope you enjoyed! And sorry for the short chapter! I'll be getting around to BEN in a little, because I got some great suggestions! And I'm very grateful for those! Also, thanks for reading! BA BYE!! :)

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