1. |To communicate|

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Language is what unites the induviduals binding a strong bond between them and their consciences. We will therefore begin with a linguistic analysis of the title.

Communicate: To make common, to make known, to let people know; mostly non-material things: c. thoughts, ideas, feelings; c. one's own science; c. courage, fear;

If, therefore, one does not remove preconceptions and prejudices from his mind regarding a given subject, one can never understand it for what it really is. Also because the father of modern psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud claimed that reality is perceived according to the pre-sensations that one has. A banal example of this is that of a nauseating individual that proves a very expensive perfume, in most cases, however, it is known that the strong aroma of the fragrance will eventually increase the nausea.

We invite the reader, therefore, to strip all the prejudices about the topics covered in these pages off their mind and to assume a purely skeptical and neutral viewpoint so as to be able to receive the message transmitted.

Thank you all

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