Episode 12

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Don't You Forget About Me

Dean: So I'm guessing there's nothing on the Amara-meter, either.

Sam: Uhh no, I'm starting to think that God's psycho sister has gone to ground.  

Sam: Dude, I'm not gonna survive hundreds of monster attacks to be flatlined by-by some double donut monstrosity.  

Dean: This bird is fantastic. The way you mix it up with the potatoes and the-the beans, you guys eat like this every day?

Jody: It's just chicken.

Sam: It's shaped like chicken, not a patty or-or a nugget.  

Alex: Claire did catch a werewolf. Oh right, turned out to be a German Shepherd with rabies.

Jody: And before that was the vampire. Council woman into erotic cosplay. I didn't know what cosplay was before that, super embarrassing for the force.  

Jody: 'Kay, well, um. I may have definitely seen birth control pills in your backpack.

Sam: Oh, we're going there.

Dean: Okay.

Alex: Oh my god.

Jody: Hey, if we can't talk about it, we shouldn't be doing it, right? Right?

Dean: What?  

Jody: What I will tell you is that birth control pills are useless against STDs. Whoever you are with needs to suit up, every time, always. No pulling up the drawbridge early.

Alex: Ugh, I get it!

Jody: And don't expect the guy, as much as I love Henry, to show up packing. Right?

Dean: What?  

Dean: Well, you know, I thought we would be helping you with monsters, not birth control.  

Dean: You need to show Jody a little respect. She did you a huge solid by taking you in. She got you set up at school-

Claire: I don't want to go to school.

Dean: Nobody wants to go to school, Claire. It's school.

Claire: Exactly.

Dean: My point is, she's been busting her ass to give you a life. She's feeding you, hell, you got a nicer room than I do now, she kept you out of jail.

Claire: I never asked her to.

Dean: And that's what I'm talking about. You need to act like you give a crap. You need to appreciate what that woman's done-  

Jody: It had to be the leg. I'm gonna need bionics.  

Dean: You gonna be alright now that you're outnumbered again?

Jody: As long as everyone wears a condom, we'll be fine.

Dean: I want that bumper sticker.  

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