Episode 4

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Dean: Where's the beer?

Sam: Under the smoothies.

Dean: Where's the rest of the beer?  

Dean: Mistakes were made, mm-hmm.  

Dean: Piper? That's awesome. Heather. One-night wonders, man. Shoot, we're lucky we still get that at all.  

Sam: Hey, Dean. Um... You said when you saw the Darkness you weren't sure if it was the real thing or a vision, right? I think I've been having visions too, lately. It's just images. I mean, more of a feeling, really. But I just had one right now, and-and Dad was in it. But it wasn't Dad like the Dad I grew up with. It was Dad when he was our age. And I guess it wasn't really Dad, just someone pretending to be Dad.

Dean: Okay, what makes you say that?

Sam: For starters, he told me everything I wanted to hear.  

Dean: As far as Dad goes, I dream about Dad all the time.

Sam: You do?

Dean: 'Course I do. It's usually the same one, too. We're all in the car, I'm sitting in the driver's seat, and Dad's sitting shotgun. But there aren't any shotguns, and there's no monsters, no hunting. There's none of that. It's just, he's teaching me how to drive. And I'm not little like I was when he actually taught me how to drive. I'm sixteen and he's helping me get my learner's permit. Of course, you're in the back seat, just begging to take a turn. We pull up to the house- the family house. I park in the driveway, and he looks over and he says, 'Perfect landing, Son.' ...I have that dream every couple of months. It's kinda comforting, actually.

Sam: I always dream about Mom. Usually the same kind of thing, though.

Dean: Normal life?

Sam: Yeah. Normal life.  

Dean: Hey, Cas. Tell me you got something that doesn't involve chicks in prison.

Sam: Bet you never thought you'd say that out loud.

Castiel: It's a nachzehrer.

Sam: Come again?

Castiel: A ghoul and vampire-like creature.

Dean: A ghoul-pire! Huh?  

Dean: Oh, Baby... I'm so sorry.  

Sam: So it was Deputy Dumbass, huh?

Dean: Yeah, Deputy Dumbass. You know he was trying to build an army?  

Sam: Dean... Even the monsters are scared.

Dean: Let 'em be. You and me: we're stopping this now.  

Dean: Okay, Mom. Let's go home.

Sam: You know what? We are home.  

Sam: Right now is the time for you to focus on getting better. This is just a milk run. We got it. So try and relax. Read a book; watch some Netflix.

Castiel: What's a Netflix?

Sam: Go to my room. Turn on the TV. You'll figure it out.

Sam: I tried to give her my number. You know what she said?

Dean: 'We got tonight; who needs tomorrow?'

Sam: Is everything a Bob Seger song to you?

Dean: Yes.

Dean: Cas, you okay?

Castiel: I'm mostly confused. I'm not sure how orange correlates with black in a way that is new.

Dean: Step away from the Netflix.

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