Episode 3

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The Bad Seed

Sam: God kicked this thing's ass once before, right?

Dean: Yeah, it'd be nice if he put down the Mai Tai and showed up for work.

Castiel: I wouldn't count on that.  

Dean: Come on Crowley, pick up! I left you a dozen messages. Why isn't he answering the phone?

Sam: Because he's a dick, and that's not breaking news.  

Dean: You know where you are? What's the date?

Castiel: Earth. Several billion years from the beginning.  

The Darkness: Amara, you must stay fixed on our purpose, even we cannot undo what has already been done. But as you grow and become stronger, your true destiny will be clear to you. I am what you are becoming, and we are mightier than God.  

Demon: You know our two operations will always butt heads, that's the set up. But this. We could be out of work.

Angel: Yeah. We get knocked out, it takes over.

Demon: Someone's gotta do something.

Angel: Someone?

Demon: Yeah. If management won't, it's up to the little guy.

Angel: Yeah, I hear ya.

Demon: Power to the people, my friend.

Angel: Well, not actually people.

Demon: You know what I mean.  

Amara: Good, evil, Heaven, Hell, people. It all seems so unimportant.  

Rowena: Your eyes, so burdened. What happened precisely when I removed the Mark? The book wasn't specific. Yes, I read quite a bit of it. What new hell has Dean Winchester released upon the world?  

Demon: She looks at me like she wants to eat me.

Crowley: She wants to eat everyone, don't take it personally.  

Castiel: Dean, I can fix that.

Dean: No, no, no, no, it's fine, Cas. Besides, I had it coming.  

Amara: I said I'm hungry!  

Sam: Yeah, uh, no accidents, incidents, violations, or anything remotely interesting involving a crappy '78 Continental Mark V.

Castiel: You think it's crappy?

Dean: Eye of the beholder.

Crowley: That's God for you, not really thought out. The whole Big Bang thing? More of a big bust. I mean boom, bang, stars, evolution, Taylor Swift. I'm guessing you'd have done things differently.  

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