Chapitre Dix-Huit: Glass Memories

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Christian eyes smoldered as he looked down at me and he wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me into him. He captured my mouth in a searing kiss expertly moving his lips against mine and nibbling on my bottom lip until I gave him access; his tongue plunged into my mouth battling my own and I moaned. He kissed along my neck and then chastely pressed another kiss to my lips and pulled his head up while he still held me to him. My brows furrowed as I looked up at him pouting slightly and my face slightly flushed. It had been a while since I had been this affectionate and my skin was on fire, my cheeks were on fire. He kissed the top of my head chuckling and then tilted my face up to his looking my eyes.

"I'm stopping myself now-- before I can't stop. You don't know how much I've been holding back from grabbing you and selfishly taking your worries away, making you completely filled with and consumed by me and me alone."

He tilted his head back glancing at Samara and continued.

"But I knew how you felt so I suppose I'll just have to make up for lost time... later." He murmured kissing my forehead a sexy smirk lining his lips.

I almost turned into a puddling standing in his arms and if he wasn't holding me I'm sure I'd collapse into a puddle of desire.


I looked over his shoulder to see the weighted blanket that was once on Samara on the floor and I stilled. She had flown up out of her sleep and was frantically looking around the room her hands clutching her head and her eyes wild; my hands tightened around Christian who was also now looking at her. She looked as if she was hyperventilating and I frowned, she looked more terrified here than I've ever seen her. Why did she look like she was distraught about being in my living room? She turned her head and finally made eye contact with me as I stepped around Christian and she sunk back into the chair away from me and my eyes widen.

"Samara..." I started carefully slowly approaching her my hands helped up to show her that I didn't mean any harm.

Her eyes began to tear up and she pulled her hands away from her head and looked at her hands then back up at me.

"S-Samara" She repeated her own name which confused me, her voice was even more meek than usual. She sounded as if she was testing out her own name on her tongue as if it was unfamiliar to her and then she continued. "I-Is that who I am?" My eyes flew toward Christian whose hold had tightened on me almost like a warning not to have an outburst that may scare her but I was shaking. Christian pulled me against him as she sat up swinging her legs off the couch and she looked at me her head tilted almost similar to the way a child would look at an animal in a zoo.  That is when I felt it, the warm tears falling down my face. I wasn't able to form words so I nodded my head in the affirmative at her, almost falling apart in the process. I was sad but I was also furious I couldn't even be upset she didn't remember anything.

"Christian could you call Joe?" I said to him that was the name of the local sheriff I didn't want to say police because Samara looked skittish enough to bolt. Christian nodded his head letting me know he'd explain the situation to him for me and I moved closer to her but she didn't move I frowned noticing the beautiful and somewhat extravagant necklace around her neck, I had never seen it before which was alarming because I had known her my whole life we'd even worn each other's bras at some point growing up but nothing about our childhood could prepare me for the words she'd speak next.

"Where's Hades?" She asked looking around the room her small brows furrowing and I tried not to look at her like she was insane.

"W-who?" I tried hoping I had heard her wrong.

"Where is Hades? He'll tell me where I am... Who I am..." I couldn't believe my ears.


Something was missing—no, everything was missing. I don't know who I am, I can't remember anything...

Then a memory suddenly flashed before my eyes, I looked into the eyes of the most beautiful man and he smiled down at me caressing my cheek in the darkness.

"Say it again Samara..." He voice was rough and husky.

"Hades." I heard my voice responded it sounded so different from me -- I sounded weightless.

He leaned down, softly kissing me and as I moaned. His body pressed into mine as I moaned and his body covered mine.

I blinked and then the memory was gone Samantha had left me here after telling me her name and saying she was my best friend. How was it possible to have a best friend that I can't even remember...but then again, I can't remember a lot of things. The one thing I remember more clearly than my own skin?—Him. I clutched the necklace tightly around my neck it was faint but it was almost like I could feel him. I looked around the room and saw pictures of me doing things I don't remember. I got up walking to the mantle above the fireplace and looked at the photographs; I was on the back of Christian the man Samantha had said was her boyfriend and she was in his arms while my legs wrapped around his waist in a piggyback ride. We all looked like we were laughing at something very funny. I reached up to touch the photo frame when I heard a voice.

"That was two years ago it was Sam's birthday and you guys demanded a piggyback ride to the car but Sam said she was my princess and demanded she be carried like one." A male voice said which made take a step back, it was Christian.

I set the photo down, my chest hurting. I didn't like that there were memories I made that I couldn't remember it was upsetting. Christian hadn't moved it was almost as if he was analyzing me and I didn't like it.

"I-I'm sorry I don't remember..."

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