Chapitre Huit: M.I.A

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: Briannakp19

Hi guys thank you so much for reading I would love more comments please I need the motivation to write this story as you can see Beelzebub is one sexy creature this picture of him -swoon-s too bad his iris' look like the eyes of a fly I know I suck but just pretend his eyes look like the galaxy :D.

You all can thank Briannakp15 for this juicy chapter thanks so much for the words of encouragement and I hope you especially like this chapter please vote read and COMMENT!

Thanks for reading lovelies!



Beelzebub's POV

Now, don't get me wrong I have nothing against Hades but he can be such an emotional child at times; I am his best friend, so I have all the right to comment on how his last 'relationship' changed him. He let that woman become his world and then she betrayed him now look at him, afraid to ever lay eyes on a woman. Although I could not blame him the girl was beautiful but I doubt Aphrodite would dare set her uncle up with someone ugly; her evil scheme probably involved creating herself a few cousins.

I was personally very amused by the ordeal don't get the wrong Hades is one twisted motherf--ahem person...But even the worst people deserve love, don't you agree my pets? I personally don't think he is so bad; once you get over the fact that he is king of the underworld and sprinkles souls on top of his cereal in the morning and smiles while rowing through Tartarus flipping the Titans the bird. Well, you get the gist of it but the point is I have seen the Devil 'fall' twice once from the heavens and in love only to continue falling because of the betrayal of one undeserving wretch. I have never liked her but it was not my place to question Hades but I also refused to tell him 'I told you so!' either; he is eating himself alive all on his own...

Samantha's POV

I was officially the worst best friend in history, like of the world...Be honest who loses their best friend on the first night she decides to leave her house in the last year!??! Who, boys and girls?! Me the bone-head, nincompoop, the worst BFF--

"Holy Popsicle sticks!" I scream out rubbing my forehead between my eyebrows then glaring at my boyfriend Christian.

"Christian how many times do I have to tell you not to flick my forehead with your Frankenstein fingers they are going to leave a big red spot!"

Christian doesn't say anything, instead he steps between my legs in front of the stool I am sitting on. He reaches up looking into my eyes and moved my hands from my face and begins massaging the spot he just flicked me in. He didn't say anything for a while and we just stared at each other; then he stopped and slid his hands down to either side of my face and tilted my jaw up to him.

"Samantha you need to stop blaming yourself, Okay? Mara decided to come out and have fun after being in a tough situation for a long time. You were the first persons she called when she wanted to start 'living' her life again. Sam, that should mean something to you. So, stop stressing we'll find her it isn't your fault she hasn't been missing for twenty-four hours yet so maybe she just didn't like the vibe of the party and decided to leave. She's like a sister to me you know that so stop blaming yourself please..."

I looked up at him and frowned Christian is not the talkative type. I know I must have really worried him with my spacing out and incessant worrying but I couldn't have Mara go back to how things used to be. I mean what if something happened to her?

I reached up and wrapped my legs around his waist and arms around his neck; hugging him like a koala bear. I put my face in the crook of his neck and sighed trying to reassure him that I understood, because I didn't want to worry him.

"I'm sorry I am just worried about her that's all love. No more worries we'll find her together.'"

I kissed his neck and I felt him stiffen under my touch. I smirked as his hands slipped under my butt and he hoisted me higher unto his waist so I wouldn't crush his rather obvious problem in his pants.

"Something wrong Christian?"

I said in his ear innocently and his jaw ticked. He shook his head so I kissed his neck again, softly trailing up to his ear and he groaned and hoisted me up again. Then he turned toward his room before I could protest through my fit of laughter, because of how easy he was to tease.

"We'll see who gets the last laugh when you have your nail dug into my back and you are screaming till your voice is hoarse."

That shut me right up, I bit my lip in anticipation as he kicked the door to his bedroom open. He turned around and pressed me to the door slamming me against it and claiming my lips.

After that I lost control of my limbs and senses. He pulled away pressing against me with his torso and ripped his shirt off over his head; my mouth watered at the sight of him. It's not like I hadn't seen my boyfriend shirtless but it just different every time, it's like all my senses are on fire and he's the only thing that can quench their thirst...

He rolled his sweatshirt up to my torso and ran his fingers up my thighs. I shuddered resting my head back against the door and then he started to kneel shifting my legs over his shoulders and bringing my heated core to his face.

"Watch me."

Those were the last words he said to me while looking into my eyes. Before he devoured my very essence and making my toes curl in appreciation; my hands shot out to grip his hair as I whimpered in un-withering satisfaction.



I know this was a short chapter but because I absolutely love you guys I will be posting another chapter over the weekend pleas keep supporting Hades & I. I love suggestions so please drop words of motivation and advice I appreciate all of you have a great weekend. And also take a moment of silence for 9/11.

Hades & Iजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें