Chapitre Deux: Hell Is Empty And All The Devil's Are Here

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A/N: Hi guys I'm sorry I am new at Wattpad I've been here a couple times I wrote the stories Siren and a couple others that never got finished. I missed Wattpad and I hope you like the author I have become. Please spread the story! PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS GIVE ME YOUR FEEDBACK THANKS FOR READING.


We got into Sam's boyfriends 2005 Nissan 350Z Roadster and started heading to her place. "He let you drive his car?!" She laughed at me but I was serious as all get out. Her boyfriend LOVES this car no one in his family has even breathed next to the keys. "Yeah he did he's been letting me drive it for a while. I needed a way to get around after you...I 'm sorry. I just hadn't been going out after everything happened." She laughed teasing me to get rid of the serious atmosphere "You have sooo much catching up to do love he's totally whipped like cream now." I smiled at her noticing the car slowing I looked out the window at her house and the enormous number of cars lining the sidewalks. "Sam..." She looked at me frowning a bit "I left him here to mediate UGHHH I'm going to kill Christian."

"I'm so sorry Mara." I sighed but realized it was a party not easy to tell people they can't come. "It's no big deal after all I'm practically invisible" I smiled putting on my mask finding comfort behind the thin masquerade mask that hid my eyes and resting on the bridge of my nose. "You're okay with it?" I nodded smiling at her as she parked and hopped out the car. "Let's go have some fun!" She smiled but looked at me with an expression telling me she wasn't entirely convinced I was okay.

We navigated through her house and finally found Christian in the living room "Christian" She greeted him tersely and tossed him the key he frowned "Babe I'm sorry I guessed someone brought more people I couldn't exactly tell 30 people to leave" She raised her brow I stood there awkwardly twiddling my fingers. "THAT'S WHY I LEFT YOU HERE CHRIS!" She sighed then her shoulders slumped and he got off the bar stool and hugged her. "I'm sorry I just didn't want Mara uncomfortable Chris." He kissed her forehead "I'm sorry babe. Sorry Mara" he said glancing at me apologetically.

"You guys I'm OK. It is a party after all" Her head whipped around "REALLY!?" I laughed at her nodding my head trying to make them realize I was OK with it. The couple went off to work the room and I decided to go off and mingle; which meant grabbing a glass and pouring out the beer and putting apple juice in it so people wouldn't offer me a beer. It was perfect that my mask didn't cover my mouth. I walked through a group of...frat boys dressed as well...jocks or should I say zombie jocks; When if you think about it is rather hilarious because they ARE basically brain dead. I giggled at my inner joke and sipped my apple juice again. When I notice Slow, Slower and Most Slow looking my way Most Slow pushed Slow my way and I furrowed my brow he walked my way rubbing the back of his neck in a shy boyish way that almost, ALMOST made me think he was cute.

"Hey Angel" He said with a lopsided grin his baby blue eyes shining with hope I wouldn't toss my ''beer'' in his face.

"My name isn't Angel but I'll have mercy on you and give you a chance to explain why you're over here before I smite you."

His eyes dulled and he looked shocked after picking his jaw off the ground he decided to try something else. "Look I'm sorry OK don't be mad I am new pledge and I've been trying to get in this fraternity for 3 months. I pledge next weekend and well part of the brothers challenge tonight is I have to get your number or I have to run around with ground beef in my pants and yell my brains are in my boxers." I laughed so hard I almost feel off the stool. He squirmed with discomfort and the other two behind him started laughing. They probably though I was laughing at him. "You poor soul, well I AM an angel tonight... I guess I can make you a miracle and keep you brain out your underpants." I held my hand out and he just stared at me. "Do you want my number or not zombie boy? If you hand it over now I'll do you one better." He smiled a goofy lopsided grin "You ARE an angel!" I smiled and typed my number and handed him back his phone.

"Thanks—" I didn't know if I was ready to dive back into the world of 'normal' people just yet so I opted to not tell him my name. "Just call me Angel zombie boy." "Angel" and he walked towards his friends that were surprised he actually got my number they looked up at me and he did too and I did the stereotypical wannabe 'mean girl' move and made the 'call me' hand gesture. His friends turned away and I guess they thought they were invisible now and started patting his back and fist bumping him.

I took my apple juice and walked into the other room hoping to spot Samantha when the door opened in the hallway I was passing through and in walked a guy that looked like the devil himself good, bad, sexy, lust and trouble rolled in one. I finally understood where the term handsome devil came from, he was a ways away from me but I could still see his steely blue-grey eyes because of the light that was above the door. I quickly looked away and walked into the living room. He reeked of absolute self-destruction and I had already fallen into that hole and I did not want to go back I entered the room and everyone froze the girls looked like someone hit them with a happy stick and I froze where I was. I heard someone inhale deeply slightly near my hair. "Careful angel, you're in my way and you smell good enough to eat." I froze I knew I had six thousand goose pimples on my arms and I felt my legs about to turn to jelly. I took a small side-step to the left so I could be out of his way and he smiled at me, the mocking smile that immediately vanished. He looked me up and down and his eyebrow cocked at lack of length on my costume he looked back up at my face and I feel like his gaze alone was freezing my soul I could tell my cheeks were flushed so I looked away breaking eye contact with him. I knew I was wearing a mask but he looked at me for so long I felt like it wasn't there anymore. "Hmm the real question seems to be whether you are a good angel or a bad angel." He walked off and I could immediately breathe again I watched him grab a beer from a table and open in with his teeth and the girls watched him like a starved lioness with a whiteboard sized rib eye in front of them. Samantha rushed to me "You ok?!" She asked me and I finally realized I hadn't moved. "Who is that Mara and what did he say to you??" "That-" I looked up at her finding my voice "-is the devil himself..."

The most ensnaring beautiful things like love, happiness and trust become polluted by greed and the never- ending desire to possess more that you truly need or require.

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