Chapitre Dix-Huit: Glass Memories

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Samara's body lay at the edge of the woods behind her best friend home with the fall leaves surrounding her body. The back door to the house opens and the sound of crunching leaves could faintly be heard next to her body followed by a sudden a yell-- more footsteps and then screaming.

"BABE! Babe you need to get out here. Right. Now!" The male voice yelled. Running was heard then a loud scream and accompanying crying. Samara's body was lifted and her hair brushed from her face as her hand fell from her pocket where Hades' note lay crumpled.


I sat in the chair in the living room across from an unmoving body, afraid to blink. I couldn't believe she was sitting in front of me. It was my fault—she'd been gone for a month now and it scared me even more that she just showed up in the same spot we heard she was last seen. What was more disturbing than anything is that she looked okay, her skin was glowing and her rosy cheeks were vibrant. She had been asleep ever since Christian called for me.

"Here you go babe." Christian handed me a cup of coffee and a sandwich. I looked up at him, gently taking the sandwich from him just to set them on the coffee table in front of me and reached up pulling him down to sit with me. He wrapped his arms around me kissing the top of my head as we both watched Mara sleep.

"Thank you..." I murmured against him; it had been such a difficult month. I know I probably looked like shit and I surely smelled equally as bad. Christian stayed with me doing his best to keep me sane. For the first time in a month I wasn't running around crazy with handfuls of posters pissing people off. After my outburst in the coffee shop I had a visit from the Sheriff kindly reminding me that I needed to let the 'professionals' do their jobs and that if they say me being a nuisance I would get more than a warning. I would go to the police every Friday at 1pm without fail it was where Christian and I were heading when he stepped out onto the porch to load up more posters. I hadn't even called the police yet and knew eventually someone would get suspicious and come looking but I couldn't leave her, I could barely even believe that she was in front of me.

"There's nothing to thank me for babe. How about you go get a shower?" He suggested carefully.

I almost argued with him but then looked down at myself carefully. I had a pair of his sweats on and a batman tee with staples from the aforementioned poster hanging from it. Bless his heart for even being near me right now. I had put so much strain on our relationship and even distanced myself from him a little bit but he never doubted me or questioned me. I nodded my head letting him know I was going to shower and got up when I noticed he hadn't moved.When I looked back he was looking at Samara he glanced back at me tilting his head toward the stairs and I smiled at him. He was letting me know he'd watch her so I could get myself together and I loved him for that even more.

Upstairs, I laid in the tub letting the deep conditioner I'd put in my hair stay for the recommended amount of time and closed my eyes resting my hair against the back tub. I knew I'd have to call the police when I got out and let them know she was found but what would I tell them? "Officers remember me? Yes the pain in the ass, well my best friend showed up in my backyard this morning so no need to worry anymore!".  I wanted to know where the hell she was and why she didn't at least call me to let me know she was okay.

No-- Samantha you can't be selfish she isn't even awake yet and you don't know what she's been through or where she's been. But, I couldn't wait any longer either. I needed to know what was going on, I quickly stood up unplugging the tub and lathered and rinsed my hair and body and wrapped myself in a towel and walking into my bedroom I put on some jeans and a cute crop sweater and did some light makeup hoping to look less crazed and somewhat better for Christian's sake. I walked down stairs stopping as I noticed Christian hunched over her, she was tossing in her sleep now slightly restless and he was clumsily trying to cover her with the blanket my heart swelled and I couldn't help but feel grateful to him for loving and caring for her as much as I did. I giggle at him and he turned around and looked at me with wide eyes and smiled when he saw me. I walked over to him wrapping my arms around his neck and reached on my tiptoes to kiss him starting with his nose then his lips.

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