Chapitre Neuf:Erotophobia

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Samara's eyes flickered open as she roused from her sleep her eyes fluttering open slowly. She inhaled deeply sitting upright abruptly as she took in her surroundings. Then her eyes grew as big as saucers when she looked down at her clothes; she was in men's shirt and boxers.

She shot up out of the bed, as she did her foot got tangled in the silk sheets. She tripped and fell face first using her arms to ease her fall. Groaning and then sitting up and inspecting her wrist and arms that were sure to bruise in a few minutes.

"I see you're awake" A eerily soft voice said from outside the bedroom door.

Samara looked to her left at the tall black door and frowned it sounded like the voice of a little kid like in those terrible horror flicks.

"Master told me to bring you fresh clothes and escort you. I will enter now." The soft childlike voice said.

Before Samara could protest the door was pushed open and the girl that entered looked down at her on the floor. And tilted her head like she was looking at an animal of some sort. "Why are you on the floor? I know he said the living were strange but..."

Samara's POV

Strange? Strange! These people live in hell and they think I'm strange?! I pushed myself up and stood up putting the silk sheets back on the bed.

"I fell..." I'm now klutz or anything but this bed had like four mattresses on top of it.

I just realized was shorter than me which is pretty rare so I feel accomplished. She was in the overly frilly dress that looked like something out of the Victorian time period. The girl set the clothes down and moved around me so fast I wasn't sure what was happening she made the bed while I stood there awkwardly watching her.

"Umm... T-Thank you I'm Samara what's your name?" I asked awkwardly said trying to converse with he. She turned around and glanced at me then blinked once, twice then she tilted her head at me and started laughing and it wasn't the kind of laugh you'd expect from someone living in hell it was cheerful almost like a giggle. She had the kind of laughed that reminded you of spring and cotton candy.

"My name is Fae you have a beautiful name... " She mused slightly cocking her brow "I can see why he doesn't like you." She said under her breath so that I couldn't hear.

I looked at her strangely and she changed the subject before could even ask what it was she had said. When she had finished with the bed she turned to me and I stood a little straighter in the kind of way you do when your prissy aunt visits for the holidays.

"Follow me." Then she turned and briskly exited the room before I could ask and believe me I had no opportunity for such a short girl she walked like a she had a set of drag slicks for feet. I hurried to try and catch up to her she had turned the corner so I tried jogging and turned the corner too quickly without looking and bumped into something and feel on my behind rather harshly so harsh I immediately began to rub my sore rear end. Then whining I looked up to see Asmodeus biting his lip close to tears. He doubled over laughing at my misfortune without any shame.

I scowled at him then his laughing got louder and his hands were on his knees and he was trying to wipe tears from his eyes. I brushed myself of standing off and Fae stuck her head out of a room too doors down she looked like she was trying not to laugh as well. My eyes lowered into slits which changed her look of amusement rather quickly. "Asmodeus stop holding her up I have a job to do." He straightened looking at her then he finally looked at me head to toe his eye brow cocked. "Not a word Asmodeus" Fae whisper yelled at him scolding him and he simply nodded rounded the corner and disappeared before I could yell at him.

Fae then came out and grabbed me by the hand and dragged me into a big room filled with mirrors and tall doors she started throwing them open like a mad woman. I took a step back from her on the verge of something I could only describe as sheer lunacy.


I walked into my bedroom and instantly my senses were assailed by her presence I could smell her in the air.... Fae had forgotten to change the linen and spray the room. Samara's smell infected it, I clutched my head; I was going mad. I was exhausted, while she slept in my bed I had stayed up all night trying to find my infuriating niece so I could light a bonfire under her ass so big the flames of hell would be jealous.

I sat on the bed closing my eyes convincing myself I wouldn't fall asleep until Fae had changed the sheets but my eyes betrayed me and shut and I fell asleep on the same pillow she had slept on I could smell it her hair it was strangling the fabric with its scent. I relaxed into my bed and fell asleep; and that is when everything had written itself in stone.

I was dreaming the same dream I had been having for eons.... I could see her but I couldn't touch her. Persephone was in front of me with a man's arms around her and I saw red I felt my temper flare. I started chasing them I could see her hair swaying back and forth as she walked away from me hand in hand with him. They stopped walking and faced each other I could see their profiles but not their faces and I was frozen watching from a distance and I was getting livider I could feel blood slipping from my clenched fist. He had his hands on her face caressing her cheek and then they embraced each other lips touching and I lost it I pushed forward grabbing her shaking her but not seeing her face to ask.

"Have I not loved you enough? Have I not promised you everything you could possibly desire? I gave you my heart woman!" I screamed at her, stopping myself from shaking her and she lifted her head; over the years I had forgotten what her face looked like...I had blocked it from my memories. But my skin grew cold because her face was there I could see her freckled cheek and fair skin and my voice caught in my throat. I could see her dimpled cheeks as she smiled at me.

"I didn't ask you to give me your heart now did I?" She said and I clutched my chest the rejection burning itself into my being again and as my brow furrowed she started 'that' laugh; manically she threw her head back smiling her mouth stretching in a mocking grin then her face started to morph and stretch until she resembled someone else. She had changed to a more innocent face she looked like Samara and the man reached around her front holding her by the neck and sliding his hands down her front then ripped her blouse. My temper flared and everything caught flame around me with my rage fueling it. She looked up and I could see tears falling down her cheeks. I reached out to her and she started to burn. So hot that I had to recoil from how brightly she burned and there she was ashen and frozen tears still wet on her cheeks and it had now gone cold and the air was so cold it stung.

As the wind blew she started to crumbled I ran to her finally being able to move and before I could touch her, I wrapped my arms around her thin arm and then the screaming started. I screamed on my hands and knees in pure agony. I shot up in bed my eyes wild and my heart beating fast I was covered in a cold sweat but I had to make sure. I flew out of my bed not caring to put a shirt on and yanked the door open following her scent and I wrapped my arms around her. I had lost my mind but I didn't care because she was here, she was in my arms but I didn't know why it made me so calm. She had gone stiff in my arms; making me realized that she had only undergarments on.

"FUCK!" I let go of her and turned my back quickly Fae's eyes wide as I turned in her direction.

"My apologies ..." That was the only thing I could think of saying before I showed the door open and shut it behind me.

They were trying to make me crazy and it was working...I won't deal with it anymore I grabbed a coat of a rack and made my way out of the house. I could not allow them to use me as a pawn in their game. I did not want to be close to anyone or anything and they were forcing me to...again. I didn't want love anymore, it was a like a false advertising. Like when they tell you there will be a sequel to your favorite book but the author quits or dies. It was pissing me off and now that they've messed with the bull it was time for me to deliver the horns. I was going to Olympus and no one would get in my way...

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