♡Eyeless Jack X Fem!Reader♡

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'Y/N, please could you start cooking? I'm afraid I might get back late.'
Slender's voice echoes through my head.
'Sure- what shall I make?
I reply, getting up and heading over to the kitchen.
"Just some spaghetti would be fine. Thankyou.'

BEN and Jeff are playing videogames, Sally's sat at the dinner table on her iPad, and E.J's making a cup of coffee.

"Sup, E.J?"
I call out, walking past him to get to the oven.

"I'm tired. Slender said I can't go to bed because I have to keep an eye on Sally... but I'm so tired...."

"Oh... I don't mind looking after Sally if you head upstairs and have a nap!"
I tell him.

He looks so tired, he really does need some sleep.

"Really? Thankyou so much, Y/N! I love you!"
He yells, running upstairs.

Smiling lightly, I put the water on to boil.
Then I realise what he just said.
"I love you!"

I almost fall over;
He probably meant it platonically? He's really tired, he could've just had a poor choice of words- or maybe he didn't think about what he said! Or- or maybe-

I snap out of my thoughts. He probably just said the wrong thing.

Time skip

The timer on my phone beeps, meaning that I should take the food off the heat now.

My head is still spinning from what he said.
What. Did. He. Mean?!
Deciding that it's been a while now, I think I should go and check on him.

"Hey Sally, I'm gonna go check on Jack."
I say, walking away.

"You gonna kissy kissy?! You should! You'd be adorable together! Y/N and E.J, sitting in a tree-"
She starts singing.

"W-what?! No- I- Back in a sec!"
I cut her off and run out of the room.

Walking up the stairs to his room, I knock on the door.

"Come in."
He calls out behind the door.

"Hey Jack. Just wanted to make sure that you're okay? You seemed really tired." I ask, worried.

"Huh..? Oh- yeah. I just needed some sleep, I haven't slept properly at all these past few weeks, it must be catching up to me..." He explains.

"As long as you're okay!"
I give him a thumbs up, and turn to leave.

He calls out after me.

I stop.
"Can you stay here with me? I don't want to be alone..."
He murmurs the last part under his breath, but I still catch it.

"Uh- Yeah!"
I say, walking back and shutting the door.

"Thanks for keeping an eye on Sally earlier- I really needed sleep..."
E.J says.

He steps forward slightly and wraps his arms around my neck.
Stumbling back in surprise, my face is bright red when he lets go.

Jack sees that he caught me off guard;
"I'm sorry! Sorry- I just- I really need someone right now- I'm just feeling a little clingy..."

He averts his 'gaze' to his hands and avoids eye contact.

"No! I'm sorry! It just caught me off guard! It's fine- I swear!"
I blush even more, and I grab his hand so that he knows it's okay.

His other hand goes up to his mask- just to touch it- and he looks away again.

On that note- I've never seen him without his mask on...

"Hey, Jack,"
I start.
He replies.
"Can- can I see you without your mask? I don't kid if you say No! I- I'm just curious..!" I hope he says yes.

He seems to contemplate it for second, before lifting his other hand to his mask.

He undies the strap on the back and pulls it over his head;

He is so much cuter than I expected...

I go bright red again, and this time he notices.
"What's wrong?"
He asks, getting quite self-conscious.
"Nothing! You're just... um.."
I start, not knowing how to say it.

He asks again.
"You're really cute..."
I mutter, my entire face a deep red.

"O-oh- uh- thanks?"
He stutters a bit, looking away.

I hug him again, and bury my face in the crook of his neck.

"You're- uh- very close there-!"
He stutters; I can feel him shaking slightly.
I go to pull away, but he holds me there by pulling me into a hug himself.

"No! Please don't go!"
He whisper yells.

As I give in to the hug, he steps back slightly; but keeps his arms around my neck.

I'm dumbfounded as he leans in and plants a soft kiss on my lips.

After a few seconds, he says something as he pulls away.

"I'm tired again."

"I'll- I'll leave- if you want..."
I stutter after what just happened.
I'm kind of dizzy...

"No- stay-"
He grabs my hand and pulls me onto the bed as he pulls me into his chest.

A few minutes later, he's already asleep and I'm closing my eyes, I press my head further into his chest.

Drifting off into the land of the unconscious- along to the sound of Eyeless Jack's heartbeat.

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