"Let's go somewhere, this place isn't proper." He said holding out his arm to me. Without thinking I wrapped my arm around his. Unexpectedly, it felt as though the world had turned upside down. He could apparate...My stomach twisted as I looked up at him shocked at what had just occurred.

"The last secret, I promise." He chuckled as he looked down at me. In the blink of an eye, we were gone from the dusty old house and now in a forest. It was beautiful. The first snowfall of the season came down from the sky in big fluffs of white. It dusted the forest floor in a chilled blanket of ice. The sun shimmered off of the frozen crystals where the light was peeking through the trees. I felt him slip his fingers in between my own, holding my hand. I felt my body tense at the thought of someone seeing us. He seemed to notice the change in my posture immediately.

"Don't worry. No one comes out here." His voice was low as he spoke to me. I thought for a moment, why would no one come here? Almost like the thought was pushed into my head, I realize that he had taken me to the forbidden forest. Students weren't allowed here... and teachers rarely visited the place. It didn't seem dangerous though? It was actually quite beautiful.

"(Y/n)?" I heard his voice speak barely above a whisper. I hummed in reply.

"Please, tell me more about you. I wish to know everything." He scuffed his feet through the snow as we walked together. He seemed shy, like he was nervous to ask me. I smiled. I didn't know what to say...

"There's not much to tell really..." He just looked at me in disbelief.

"Well, do you have any hobbies?" I thought for a moment about his question. Do I?

"I sing a little...before I found out I was a witch, my dream was to be a singer..." My words were soft. I haven't really talked about myself like this to anyone before. I could barely hear my own words.

"Child's dream obviously, I was only eleven." I chuckled dryly, attempting to lighten my mood.

"You didn't know you were a witch until you were eleven? I thought you said you were a pureblood. Surely your parents raised you like one" His eyes where now lingering over me. I felt so uncomfortable in this situation. I was afraid of being judged, but I don't think I have to worry about that with him... Most of my friends just knew... I never really talked about the subject much. I didn't like to. I cleared my throat trying to ease the tension that was swarming my senses.

"I was raised in foster. I looked up my parent's when I was fifteen. I'm a pureblood... just a muggle raised pureblood." It was quiet for a moment after I spoke. I wasn't enjoying this.

"I'm sorry..."

"Don't be. When I came to Hogwarts and finally made some friends, I was rarely ever there anyway. And now that I'm eighteen, I'm on my own, so good riddance." I laughed, trying to lighten the mood that was around us. I hated thinking about the foster home... it wasn't a home, more like a prison. I hated knowing I left a few of my friends behind in those conditions... it wasn't right and I could do nothing to help them...

"Where do you go for the holiday break?" Severus asked randomly.

"I've been going to the Weasley's since first year." I smiled at the fun memories, letting the ones about my childhood fade away. The Weasley's had welcomed me like family. So did the Potter's, but ever since I had a feeling that Harry and William liked me in a different way, It wasn't always the most welcoming. I mean of course there was Fred that acted a bit odd around me, but he didn't show it that often.

"Would you like to spend the holidays with me?" He blurted out. My heart fluttered by his offer, but I couldn't do that to Ronald and his family. They've gotten so used to me coming every year, I'd feel awful if I just bailed randomly without an excuse.

"I would love too... but I can't do that to them..."

"I understand." He smiled as he wrapped his arm around me.

"We'll have our own Christmas some other time." I laughed as he squeezed my shoulders into him.

"Sorry that my life isn't as interesting as yours." I laughed as I patted his chest.

"I'm sure there is more..." He persisted. I pondered for a moment.

"You want to know more about me?" I asked. He just simply nodded with a small smile as we continued to aimlessly walk around the forest.

"Well, I like to be positive. I care for others probably more than I should at times. I forgive easily and I tend to get taken advantage of if I'm not careful... White is my favorite color... because of the snow actually... I love the winter, it's my favorite season.-"

"You would look breathtaking in white..." He spoke without thinking. I let a light blush dust my cheeks. Did he...reference marriage? I thought, before shaking the idea out of my mind. He couldn't have meant it like that. I desperately tried to think of anything that I could tell him about myself so that the heat at my cheeks would finally settle.

"I'm studying to be a healer..." I spoke, trying to change the subject again, I really didn't want to over think about his previous statement.

"That suits you..." He said as he stopped in his tracks to look down at me.

"We are complete opposites (Y/n)..." Severus was close to me again.

"But I love everything about you." The word love rung in my ears longer than the rest. He placed a soft kiss to my lips as I felt the tip of his cold nose press into my cheek. He held my hands as he took in every detail of my face.

"Where will you go after you're finished with Hogwarts?" I never thought about this before. I was too old to return to foster... I didn't have anywhere to go, and I never really concerned myself with the idea. Except for my jokes with Hermione about living in walking distance from one another. Though I will be graduating before I know it, and I guess I will need a plan before I do.

"I'm a big girl, I'll figure it out." I took in a deep breath as I showed him a reassuring smile. His eyes were staring at mine, but he seemed to have been lost in thought.

What was he thinking?

What was he thinking?

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I'm still not sure how long this story is gonna be. I have so many great ideas for it so I am trying my best to not rush but I'm just so excited! Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! :)

ps. My Severusnape tag dropped to #13... I'm so upset!! :'( lol

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I Am Your Teacher (Severus Snape X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora