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Alrighty, so first things first, I didn't know where to post this chapter cuz I've never been really tagged before, plus I try to avoid non-story ploys in my books, but since an amazing person tagged me, I decided to do this.

Hope you're ready.

1) Weird fact about me:
I love ketchup so much I sometimes drink it. Yes, I'm secretly Sans.

2) Favorite food:
Local Chinese food.

3) First fandom:

4)Best friends:
They mostly don't have Wattpad, but the one that does I dunno if she wants to be mentioned.

5) Current lock screen:

6) Favorite OTP:Papyton

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6) Favorite OTP:

7) Birthday :
Pretty soon

8) Five fears:
I'm an arachnophobic... It's so bad, it's irrational. Same goes for bugs and other insects. I just freak out and cry. I'm afraid of the dark and being left behind. I'm afraid of fucking up.

9) What you look like:
A dork
(I'm keeping it private)

10) Favorite song:
Wolf in sheep's clothing by Set It Off

11) A friend of mine recommended Wattpad to me, so I made an account, read a few books then began writing.

12) Favorite character ever:
For now - Korosensei

I tag these wonderful people, and the amazing person who tagged me was Blazetail77
Thank you for tagging me ^^

Welp, this is all, I don't know how this business goes down, so fingers crossed I did everything correctly.

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