Beeping Of A Monitor

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It was already night time when I finished my typing. Exhausted, I collapsed onto my bed and fell asleep almost immediately. I hoped for a dreamless sleep, but my wish wasn't fulfilled.

I opened my eyes to see a white empty room.
~So.. I'll be sleeping in the Void I guess.. ~
All of a sudden a flash of bright red light pulsed in my eyesocket, making my vision blur. I groaned from the sudden light, I covered my eyesocket, ready to ignite it at any moment. A figure walked towards me, extending their hands towards my head. I ignited my left eyesocket and moved my hand away from them. The figure didn't flinch nor stop, but rather touched my head and pulled me into something that felt like an embrace.
~What the hell... ~

"It's going to be alright Sweetie."

An unknown voice said.

"Who are you?!"

I shouted and pushed the person that held me away. My vision was getting better, I could make out some details. I was... Laying on a bed. To my right was an active life support machine that was on and in perfect working condition. Another figure appeared out of nowhere and it stood at the end of the bed I was in. It was a tall blurred black figure. It was bald and had black eyes. More I couldn't make out. The tall figure walked to my right and leaned uncomfortably close to my face. My breathing was getting faster, and so was my heartbeat. The figure snapped its fingers in front of my eyesockets. I could slowly make out more details. I was in a hospital room. The figure on my right dissappeard, but the person behind it stayed. She was crying. I looked over at her, and when she noticed my movement, the girl immediately grabbed my hand.
~Who is she..? Do I know her? Why am I in a hospital?~
All my questions bugged me for the following five silent minutes. All that was heard were the girl's sobs. I felt bad for her, so I gently squeezed her hand. She quietly gasped and looked directly into my eyesockets.
"D-did it work..?"
The girl asked me with a shaky voice, choosing her words very carefully. Her eyes showed a glimmer of hope. In return of gave her a confused look.

"Did what work?"

I could see all the colors fade form her face, her expression changed in an instant.

" It worked..."

She replied with slight sadness filling her voice. I sat up, but as soon as I did, a painful headache hit me like a train. When she heard me groan in pain, she quickly stood up and gently layed me down. Her touch was so soft... Careful... As if I was the most fragile china tea set she had ever held.

"What are y-"

"You mustn't move... It won't do you any good. You should lay for now, until you get better..."

She cut me off.
~What other choice do I have? ~
I sighed and layed down, relaxing and letting my thoughts fill my head. Then I remembered.

"Hey... Uh, kiddo... Who are you anyways?"

She looked at me with tears in her eyes, then smiled sweetly.

"My name i s. . .  "

I jerked my body up and opened my eyes. I woke up. I was panting, sweat drops ran down my skull.
~W-what was all that about...? ~
I tried getting up, but something was in the way, preventing me from exiting my bed.

" What the he-"

It was....(Y/n)..... She was sleeping, her head on the side of my bed. It's a really... uncomfortable position... Out of nowhere I saw her as the girl from my dream. Same position... Same figure...
~Same reason..?~
Hesitantly I touched her arm. She was cold to the touch. I sighed and thought for a second.
~Should I... Help a genocider..? *sighs* She'll kill me.. So why should I help her. This feeling... It's like I know her... But I don't.. ~
I decided to help her. Her soul turned neon blue, flame like matter surrounded her body as she levitated. I got out of my bed and set her down on it. Letting her free caused her to slightly flinch. Luckily, she was still asleep. I sat down panting lightly, for I was afraid of the outcome. The whole house was silent... There weren't any sounds I was so used to at the time... Papyrus.. Villagers... Little monsters's laugher...
~All gone..~
I looked over at (Y/n) and frowned.
~Because of her..~

I couldn't sleep for the rest of the night, my thoughts kept me up. I simply... Watched over her. That might sound like I'm a creep or something, but in reality.. I was scared of her. Scared that she'll wake up and attack me. I watched her body rising and falling... Up... Down... She tossed and turned... Up... Down... My vision was getting dark. I looked over at her and saw her (e/c) eyes were no longer that color, but instead red ones were staring straight into mine. That caused me to flinch and gasp. When I looked at her again.. She was sleeping. Her eyes were closed, her body calm, her breathing steady.
~ Must of imagined.. Gaah.. I'm so tired.. But I mustn't sleep.. She might wake up.. And take the chance.. To.. ~
Next thing I know I was asleep. In the morning or rather when I woke up, there was a pillow placed behind my head and a blanket covering my body.
~Where did this come from...?~
I sighed and got up, beginning a new day.

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