"This reminds me of the locker room," Taehyung speaks up as everyone becomes quiet.

"Yeah, but Namjoon doesn't have a," Jin gags, "girlfriend."

Jungkook nods, "And Noah isn't here."

Jimin huffs, "Fuck Noah! I didn't like him much anyway."

Everyone laughs.

Yoongi looks over at Hoseok and just admired him until he gets caught. Hoseok pulls a Yoongi closer and kisses his cheek.

Taehyung smiles as he watches them, his dream that he had popping into his mind. Taehyung licks his lips before he speaks.

"Hey guys? Can I tell you guys about this dream I had that was us five years in the future?"

Everyone says yes, hoping that the story would pass some time.

"Okay, I'll start with Jungkook," Taehyung says, "He was a boxer instructor or something and he lived close to here, alone."


Taehyung nods, "Jimin was the ceo of his father's company, Namjoon still working for him."

Jimin smirks, "Did I look good?"

Taehyung nods frantically.

"What about me?" Hoseok asks in excitement.

Taehyung smiles, "You were a dance Instructor. Had your own building!"

Hoseok smiles widely, "Heck Yeah."

"So I was still a rapper?" Namjoon asks, his arm around Jin.

"Yep! And Jin was your actor boyfriend."

Jin and Namjoon smile at each other.

"What about me?" Yoongi asks.

Taehyung sighs and looks to the floor, "And this is where the dream gets sad."

"I thought it was sad that I live alone, but okay," Jungkook says.

Taehyung sighs, "Yoongi, you and Hoseok had broken up, and you were still a rapper but without Joon. You were on drugs and smoked and drank a lot of shit."

Yoongi frowns, "Oh."

"Why did we break up? Why did he do drugs?" Hoseok asked in concern.

Taehyung bites his lip. "Umm, Yoongi told you something he did to help me but you got scared and then he blamed himself."

Yoongi looks at Taehyung, "Was it..?"

Taehyung just nods.

"Was it what?" Hoseok asks.



"And Jungkook, Jimin And I weren't a couple anymore," Taehyung interrupts.

"What?" Jungkook asks in shock.

"I think... it's called a triple," Jimin says.

"The fuck he say?" Namjoon asks.

"We aren't a couple because we aren't two people. It's three so we are a triple."

Namjoon stays shocked for a second, "Have I been friends with him too long or did that make sense?"

Jin chuckles.

"Wait!" Jungkook says, "why weren't we together?"

"Well... I ended it..."

"What why?" Jimin asks, "why? Is it my hair? Huh? Did I stop spoiling you? Yeah? My god I didn't know I loved a brat!"

Taehyung blinks. "It was in a dream."

"Calm the fuck down!" Hoseok snaps at Jimin who was already calming down.

"Anyway!" Taehyung loudly says, "It was because I had gotten...I had Umm.. I had gotten taken advantage of in collage. In my dream."

Everyone looks shocked.

".... why did you end it though?"

Taehyung shrugs, "I became a stripper and made people call me V. I was different and nothing like me so I don't know. I mean, me and Yoongi were friends with benefits for Christ sake!"

Everyone turns to Yoongi and he raises his eyebrow, "His dream not mine."

"What, you had sex with that pale ghost?" Jimin gasps.

"Hey!" Hoseok yells, "You're pale too!"


Taehyung claps, "Shush! It was just a dream! Not real! Just fake."

"Why is it so detailed?" Jin asks.

Taehyung shrugs.

Jin looks at Namjoon, "He can tell the future. I mean, if I'm not a famous actor dating you in the future then what's the point?"

Namjoon smiles and kisses him.

Jungkook cringes.

"Trust me, I don't want Yoongi," Taehyung sighs.


"Hey seok," Jimin smirks, "did you know Yoongi use to be in love with Tae?"

Hoseok's eyes widen and he looks at Yoongi in shock.

Jimin turns to the others, "I wish we had popcorn."


👉🏼👈🏼 it's been over a month. I sorry 🥺

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