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Jungkook POV

At first there are many things, that I worried about.

How to fit in?

How would class be like?

How will the students treat me?

The first time that I saw him, it scared me a bit.

How could anyone in this horrible world, give off a light like he could?

When he first showed me around, his voice soothed me like no one else could. Just being at his side made me feel safe... warm almost. When we almost kissed... I couldn't believe what was about to happen. I kissed his cheek... but I just couldn't control myself, there's jut something so special about him. How could I swoop down that low, for someone I just met?

Kim, Taehyung.

Even though that happened, nothing seemed to change about the way he treated me throughout this entire week.


I turned my head towards my bedroom door, my mother was peeping her head behind the door.

"What is it Mom?" I asked turning my chair from my desk to face her.

"You need to go to your friend's house to work on a project right?" My Mother asked, this time opening the door wider to let her stand comfortable inside my room, "You asked me about that earlier right?"

I nodded my head.

"You can go..." She smiled softly, "It's really nice that you have a friend now..."

"Thanks Mom!" I smiled my usual bunny smile. I mean- I don't think that it is a bunny smile... that what Mom says it is like.

"Anyways, Jungkook..." My mother calming tone rang, "Who is your new friend anyways?"

I suddenly felt my face grow warm, just thinking of him makes me want to die.

"H-his name is Kim, Taehyung..." I looked away from my Mom shyly, my cheeks burning red, "He showed me around on the first day..."

I just had to stutter, right?

I just have to get shy...

I just had to blush...

I just had to have this stupid little crush on him, right?

"He's kind..." My Mother responded.

I nodded again.

"Well, I have to make dinner." My Mother purrs, "You take a nap if you're tired okay? I'll call you when it is time for dinner..."

The door shut and I was left thinking about the boy in an entire grade above me with the mocha colored hair.

Why does his gaze have to be so mesmerizing?

I let out a groan in agony, I turned my seat right back around and placed my head back on the desk.

Kim Taehyung...

How can he be so fine with the things I do?

I wonder, if he knew why I left my old school... he'd think of me as disgusting. I just don't want to lose anyone, not again.

I shook my head, and grabbed my pencil. Pulling out a blank sheet of paper, I drew a sketch. It's just circles and lines, but it soon forms into a sketch of him.

If I can't say what I'm feeling, I'll just draw instead. It's just, the only thing I could feel and think of is him...

And I don't want it to end.

I'm sorry for the short chapter! It's a filler so it can give a basic introduction to Jungkook's POV since I'll be rotating from time to time between the two! Ahh- please don't attack me!! I'm so sorry!!

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