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The rest of the school tour was quiet, and most notably awkward. I spent my time quietly naming the rooms to Jungkook, not spending time to even look at him.

I feel so ashamed...

Jungkook began to grow cold again from what I can tell. His cheeks once again were red including his hands, nose and ears.

I want to warm him up again, but I can't.

If I do... that would happen again.

I looked at Jungkook for a while as we walked down the hall, he finally looked back at me. But when our eyes made contact we both quickly looked the other direction. After that, Jungkook spent his time just staring down at the ground. But, I just couldn't help but look at him still. My cheeks grew very warm, he's so cute.

Wait- what did I say?

I shook of the thought and head forward. But, the occasional staring was still in key.

Finally... the tour ended and I dropped him off at his first class. A quick wave then I left.

Finally. Enough distractions.

I walked back to my class, but then a sudden thought shot up in my mind.

Why did I do that? Why did I think that way? Why did I want to-

I shook my head, "Stop thinking Taehyung. Stop it."

I hurried to my class, but every time I get off guard his face would come in my mind. Then, again my cheeks would grow warm. I slapped my face softly, "Stop it!"

I opened the door to my class strongly, as an attempt to get that boy's face out of my head. But, the sudden slam of the door just caused the class to draw their attention to me.

I noticed what I've done, and apologized to the teacher. Quickly, running to my desk to try to distract myself from him. Several math questions later, Hoseok tapped my shoulder.

"How was the tour?"

I sighed, not letting my eyes leave the page, "It was fine..."

"How was the student?"

I just shrugged, my hand rushed over to the paper to write down the answer to one of the questions.

"Were they a boy or a girl?" Hoseok questioned.

I shrugged again.

"TAEHYUNG!" Hoseok whispered-yelled, "Answer me!"

"It. Was. Fine!" I responded.

"Okay okay jeez!" Hoseok facepalmed, slouching down against his seat. He fiddled with his pencil as he looked at me, "Why are you so mad?"

"I'm not mad!" I responded, not noticing the tone to my voice.

Hoseok looked at me with a questionable look, "Fine then~ just tell me what happened during lunch!"


When lunch came around Yoongi, Jin, and Hoseok came over to my table in curiosity.

"So what is his name?" Jin questioned as he sat down.

"Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook." I mumbled.

"Interesting... how's he like?" Hoseok smiled, as he took out his sandwich.

"Shy, soft-spoken, but very expressive..." I stated, taking a bite out of my pizza.

"So... what is he wearing?" Yoongi asked.

"The usual boys' uniform, a red scarf, no gloves." I listed.

"So that's him over there right?" Yoongi said, pointing to a small figure at the back of the cafeteria.

I shot right up to look for the young boy, then at the end of the cafeteria, I saw him once more. He was sitting alone, his head down, and eating his lunch silently.

"Tell him to come over!" Jin pleaded.

"Wha- why me?"

"Because idiot... you already met him!" Yoongi semi-shouted.

"Fine" I rolled my eyes, getting up I walked over to the end of the cafeteria.

He sat there eating, everyone was sitting at a table with others besides him. His scarf was down on his side, neatly folded, and he seemed to be warmed up already.

"Hey! Jungkook."

Jungkook looked over in my way, his eyes growing large when we made contact.

His cheeks grew red.

"T-Taehyung..." Jungkook mumbled, "What do you need?"

I scratched the back of my neck, I was ashamed and embarrassed, "I- uh- do you want to eat with me?"

Jungkook's face shot up slowly after the words 'with me'.

"I mean... it's just me and my friends anyways.."

For some reason his face slightly dropped when he heard 'me and my friends'. I looked away and nodded, "Yeah.. sure I guess..."

"Alright let's go then..." I smiled.

He quickly packed up his lunch, but once he stood up I took his hand. Almost if it was a magnet, I felt a shock from his hand to mine. My face flushed warm really quickly, I walked to the table with him hand in hand.

As we walked, Jungkook squeezes my hand tightly.

"About what happened during the tour I'm so-" I was interrupted.

"It's fine..." Jungkook smiled softly, "I forgave you a long time ago..."

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