32 » Teeny Tiny Us

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All these stupid signs, but there was no way...

Finally, what you thought felt like a minute, you hurried over to where you set down the pregnancy test, looking at it that had one bar, not pregnant.

"There, I knew it." You sighed, taking a deep breath.

Calm. Down.

You opened the door and there was Taehyung, clasping his hand together, you shook your head, shrugging your shoulder. "See I'm not pregnant, now will that satisfy you?" You handed him the test.

"Let me see." Taehyung curled his long fingers around the stick. Soon confirmation would come, would he looked back up at you.

"Chan-ri..." He muttered.


Taehyung focused on the test, his curiosity building like a cat fixated upon its prey as his thick brows rose up. "The plus sign is the positive one right?"

"Yeah, but you clearly see that minus sign right?" You fortified.

He swung his head, his lips formed into a cheeky smile, "No I don't, I clearly see a plus sign."

"Wait what, let me see?!" He handed you the stick and your confidence faded as you glanced at the pregnancy test. The test had now shown two lines, forming a plus sign. Pregnant. Your eyes stare, still blank. You returned to gazing back at Taehyung. Holding that test.

"Holy shit, it was just negative..."

"Well, it's now positive." He shrugged, then he snickered under his breath.

You stared at the pregnancy test in his hands. It was positive and well you should be ecstatic. But instead you were frozen in shock or hesitation - you weren't quite sure yourself. You like kids, they are cute, and you always pictured yourself being a mother to an adorable little boy, but that vision was always with Ji-young, seeing it with Taehyung was almost unreal, more unreal that you couldn't be pregnant. You shook your head and crossed your arms over each other. "There's something wrong with this test."

If he had every known hesitant in his mind, it didn't show. Everything from the way he held himself, to the way he spoke, to that look of unassailable confidence in his eye said he knew he was right and he was 100% correct. "Well that's why I got first response, go do that double check and if you want do the triple check because I know you are pregnant Chan-ri. Those conception ejections only protect you for so long. You're throwing up all over the place, you're craving food on top of each other and you're being really sensitive, it feels like I'm walking on eggshells with you right now and anything I say might cause you to explode on spot."

"Taehyung, I'm just fat, sick and hormonal you ass!" You looked at Taehyung like an enraged panther, grumbling at him. "And it's three months that it protects me, it hasn't been three months."

"Well look Chan-ri in school I learned and I'm pretty sure you learned as well that nothing provides one hundred percent protection, the only exception is abstinence and it's pretty clear we aren't doing that, am I right?"

"Well, I'm sorry I have such a horn dog as a boyfriend." You frowned, your eyes lingering at him. Then your mind just went blank and all you could think about was the fact that you couldn't see his chest. Part of you wished you could. Broad, bare, strong-Damn it Chan-ri, hold yourself together! Then sadly the other very, tiny, small part said you should get ahold of yourself. You let out a shaky sigh.

He looks so delicious right now...

"Woah, Woah, Woah, I think someone enjoys having a horn dog as a boyfriend, I see those eyes, go take the second test."

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