A night out and unwanted feelings

Start from the beginning

Aiden's POV:

Going out with Enzo was so much fun. I really enjoyed myself so much as hanging out with him was never boring. We laughed at the hilarious attempts of girls trying to hit on us. I was falling for this guy, although I promised myself not to fall for anyone in this school as it would only bring torment and trouble. But going out with him was so much fun, as so many girls tried to hit on us. It was hilarious as their pick up lines were so bad and they clearly were not good flirts. He was my dream boy; I really liked him or was I falling for him? He and I were getting along very well; we understood each other with such a single glance. Our eyes were able to communicate without words. Sighing, I smuggled deeper into the comfortable covers of my bed and recalled the previous night where he and I were going to a famous club.e danced the whole night, letting go of all our troubles. Although it was only Thursday, he and I needed a night off from the stressful lives as school was making our life a living hell. The fact that he was dating someone only gave me heartache. I could not confess my feelings for him. I thought about him every single second and I really wanted to tell him that something was happening to us. The small moment at the wedding clearly meant something for me. However, I did not know whether it meant something to him as well. It was different from the previous times I have been in love. Something felt deeper and more mature. This guy was funny yet caring and awesome. But how could I tell him that I felt something for him? What was happening to me? What did you do to me, Enzo?

Later that day we met near Covent Garden to go to our favourite spot, a place called Ping Pong, where you could eat the most delicious dim sum. They also sold very good smoothies and mocktails. We were in no shape of having another drink as it was quite the night. I wore someone casual, a white tshirt with black jeans. My hair I left dishevelled and uncombed as it was. I wanted to seem good looking yet casual and not overdressed. I went down the stairs, put on my sneakers and my leather jacket. My parents were not at home, so I did not have to say goodbye to them.

Half an hour later I was at our meeting spot, from afar I could spot Enzo easily. He looked worse than I did; I smirked to myself and thought: "This is what you get if you do not listen to me!" He smiled as soon as he spotted me.

We greeted each other with a typical man hug, and I could feel my heartbeat accelerate. I had to get these feelings under control, as they were complicating my life. I could not feel this way. Enzo was happy with Jasmeet; I had to tell myself. Talking about various things we went to the restaurant and sat down. Enzo groaned and I just laughed at his apparent disdain. He was in a bad shape. "Tomorrow you should not go to school, you still look bad!" I told him in a matter of fact voice. He squinted his eyes angrily at me and retorted, "As if you looked better than me!" As soon as he said these words, I started to check him out. He wore sunglasses to hide his apparent bags under his eyes, and his hair looked very messy. He did not bother to wear something good; he was in a sweatshirt and training trouser. "Stop checking me out!" He teased me as soon as he noticed my stare and I almost choked on my smoothie from which I just took a sip. My reaction just made him laugh and I shot him an annoyed glance.

"So did you make up with Jassy?" I wanted to know, Enzo just shot me an incredulous look and asked me: "What makes you think that we did? I know that she kissed my cheek but man, seriously this girl has issues!" His words made me smile as maybe not all hope was lost. Maybe I could still fight for a spot in his heart. At least we were friends now, good friends I added in my mind. This was good enough for me. "Why does she have issues?" I wanted to know. Enzo just raised his eyebrows and shrugged it off: "Man, I do not want to talk about it! Let us eat in peace!" I nodded and took a sip from my juice, which tasted like heaven on earth.

As if he sensed that something was not alright, he added in a soft voice: "Let us talk about other things, while I have a raging headache!" We engaged in small talk and I really enjoyed myself. It was so much fun hanging out with him. We stayed long at Ping Pong and ordered so much fun, so that the hangover was slowly fading away. Nothing like hangover dig in, I thought to myself.

When we left the place it was already late, the sun already down; time with Enzo just passed in a blurr. We exchanged few words while we were waiting for our respective cabs, who would pick us up. "Thanks, man!" he told me in a sincere voice. I nodded and replied him: "We should do this more often!" He agreed and hugged me. Something happened to me while we hugged. It was not a manly hug, more like a hug between friends or more. What was going on with me? I am falling, more and more.


so what do you think? what will happen next? It seems as if  everything is falling into place. Or what do you think?

here is a sneak peak of the next chapter :) I hope you guys like it:

Jasmeet's POV:

"So what happened today? Did you talk to Shawn?!" my best friend wanted to know as soon as we sat down in our favourite café in Southall. It was located near the train station and served the most delicious pakore and aloo parathe (roti stuffed with potatoes). "I cannot face him!" I groaned embarrassed, adding in a silent voice: ". I could not believe that I was so stupid and to show my interest in him. Interest in him? I thought disbelievingly. Someone had to tell me to snap out of it. This could not happen. Enzo and I were happy. I reminded myself. Troubles were normal in a healthy relationship; I told myself.

Aryan just observed me and stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world: "Jassy, you feel something for him. Shawn might be an idiot but something changed in his behavior. He stopped bullying you and does not attack you anymore. You should talk to Enzo, or maybe the Christmas break is exactly the distance you need. During the holidays, you can fully concentrate on the upcoming wedding which we will attend!" As soon as these words left his mouth, I remembered that my cousin from Amritsar would marry in just three weeks time in a grand and big affair back in India. I smiled at this, as distance was exactly the thing I needed. I just needed to get through these few weeks leading up the holidays. However, I had no ideas that these few weeks would change everything.

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