The unconvincing statement of my best friend

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Here is the latest chapter of my story unexpected love. I am so glad for all your reads and I am so happy that so many people are reading my story. I never expected that so many people are interested in my work. I want to say here a big thank you to all of you.

I am excited to find out what you think about my latest chapter and how the story is slowly unfolding and where the story is headed. please do leave comments or vote for my story.


Shawn's POV:

After two periods of boring lectures; I still was very angry with Enzo and decided not do talk with him and he also uttered no word; I have not seen the cause for our fight yet, but I knew that in the next period I would see her which made me furious. I really hated her; since she had ignored me, she was a constant cause for my anger.

She was such a teacher's pet and a good for nothing. I hated people who put so much effort into studies. Everyone knew that she had no social life. I did not know back then how wrong my judgements about her were and that my thoughts about her were totally wrong. She would surprise me and made me rethink all my previous impressions of her.

Enzo walked beside me, he had been very quiet so far, which was an attempt of him to get me to think about my attitude and to change my ways. Usually he could not stop talking about various topics; the latest football match or girls. I glanced at him; he wore an unimpressed expression on his face. He never criticized me; this was something, which happened for the first time. Normally he supported me no matter what; he was after all the guy whom I called my best friend. We were like brothers.
I knew his behaviour very well; I was very well aware that he wanted me to treat girls better and especially this girl. I did not know why he was suddenly interested in her and what made his interest rise up.
However, I saw right through his behaviour and had no interest in changing my ways. In this moment, I forgot the silent promise I made to my sister yesterday. We made our way to the class and suddenly I saw Jasmeet who was talking as usual to her only friend.

She looked somehow different; she wore a black leggings and a white tshirt. For the first time I saw that, her hair was very long as she tied it into a bobtail. Normally she secured her curls in a bun and so therefore, no one really knew how long it really was. Somehow, she seemed almost pretty to me; her outfit was very simple yet in a way enchanting. This thought made me cringe in disgust.

Me liking Jasmeet Kaur or even thinking that she was pretty, the girl with the weird fashion taste who had no idea what was the latest trends. No this would never happen, I promised myself. Sometimes I imagined what would have happened if she had accepted my request those years back. Maybe she and I would be even friends. I did not know at this time how wrong, I was at that moment and that this would come bite me in my butt. Everything was supposed to be this way and it was destiny for us to be partners.

I looked longer at her than necessary, which resulted in her giving me a questioning glance and a small nod to Enzo, who blushed at her gesture. Suddenly I saw that she got red as well. Enzo and blushing? My best friend never blushed at the sight of a girl. And what was up with Kaur? Did he fancy her? This would be interesting. Enzo and Kaur; he was like me totally the ladiesman and did not settle for only one girl. I knew all of his stories about his latest conquest. I pulled him in a corner where no one was and interrogated him in a serious tone: "What is wrong with you? Do you like Kaur? Why did you blush? You never ever blush. Is this because you were today her shining knight in armour! Admit that this really bloats your ego!"

He looked at me in disbelief: "Man, are you thinking that I would like this girl? I would never do this to you. You are my best friend! " I gave him a sceptical glare as I was not really convinced; however, he just shrugged it off: "Man, let us go to class now. I do not want to have another detention!"

Just then, the bell rang and I went with him to my history class in a fast manner as I did not want to have another sesson of detention. Jasmeet sat as always in the first row; Enzo and I went to our friend Mason in the back off the class. She did not acknowledge us like the rest of girls, who were staring at us without shame. We exchanged our typical boy-hug. "Well, class let's get to work! Go work in your team!" came the voice of the teacher who entered at that moment the class.Mrs. Mendes was known to be curt and give clear instructions.

The whole class started to bustle around in order to get the seat next to their assigned partners. I sighed and exchanged a pointed look with Mason; Enzo had already joined his working colleague. I moved towards Jasmeet's seat; she studied her book and did not pay attention to me. My classmates watched the whole scene with interest; fights or confrontations between her and me were a sensation and got therefore much notice.

When I sat down, she also did not notice me. I put my hand on her shoulders; which made finally acknowledge me. She looked up in a scowl when she saw me. "Kaur, finally, you realize I am there. You are so engrossed in the boring book, so much that you notice nothing around you. By the way, is it true that Enzo stood up for you?" I decided to mock her. It was so fun to tease her and to rile her up.

The girl in front of me answered me in a casual manner: "Well, it is very important to study the book and to get to know all the important exercises we will have to complete. Moreover, concerning the other thing about which you asked. Yes Enzo defended me in front of your idiotic girlfriend!" While speaking she was very confident and self-assured. I lifted one eyebrow to show her my disapproval and stared at her angrily: "Do not dare to make Nathalie look bad. It was you, who lost her language and could not reply properly! I really regret not being present. This would have been very entertaining to watch. I also tell you now, stay away from my best friend. I don't want him to hang out with you! However, I doubt he would want to do something with you anyways. This was just an act purely friendly."


so what do you think about this? do you believe when Enzo says that he does not like her or do you think that there might be feelings involved soon? I am so excited to find out what you think :)

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