Chapter 5

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Yo! So here is Chapter 5! I have a really busy week and Idk when I'll be able to put the next chapter out, but the latest is Friday! 

All of the Elves started to head back to the school. Stan, Ella, and Kyle started walking back to the school.

"So what are you guys going to say about not being in class?" Kyle asked.

"Food poisoning," Stan said, holding his stomach and letting out a fake moan.

"Pregnancy scare," Ella said, holding out a fake pregnancy test.

"What?" Stan said with wide eyes, "Ella, is that real? Dads going to Kill you!" Ella brought down the fake test.

"Of course not! Idiot, do you not know anything about how that works?" Ella laughed. Most of the walk was in silence. Walking into the school they could see Kyle's mom.

"Good luck Kyle," Ella said, walking away from Kyle and Stan.

"I'm so screwed," Kyle said, seeing his mom walk toward him

"Follow my lead, Kyle," Stan said, seeing him mom's very angry face.

"Kyle? Why weren't you in class today?" His mom asked, folding her arms.

"Sorry miss, but on our way out of the school bus Kyle tripped and hurt his leg, I took him to the nurse," Stan said, "Oh! And Ella helped,"

Kyle's mom looked between the two boys. Before nodding, and leaving the school.

"See I told you we'd be fine! Now you just need to limp for the next few days," Stan said smiling at himself.

"Yeah, thanks," Kyle sarcastically said before they both walked to class. They could already hear people in their classroom, even though the class didn't start for another 5 minutes.

"Cartman I asked you to leave me alone," Ella said, "I don't know where the stick is,"
"Of course you do! You're the stupid princess," Cartman said back, "Come on let's go, you can show me where it is," He took Ella's small arm in his chubby fingers.

"Ay! Let me go! Stop it Cartman that hurts," Ella said, trying to get away from her fat friend. At this point, both Kyle and Stan had stormed into the room.

"Cartman, let her go, we all agreed not to play this during the school day," Stan said, stepping closer to his sister.

"No! I need the stick. If you won't give me the stick, I'll take the next best thing," Cartman said, not letting go of Ella's arm, Ella looked back and forth between her brother and Cartman. Ella frowned at the two arguing boys. Ella was deep in thought, but that was before she felt her arm getting tugged Hard.

"OW!" Ella yelled before she bit Cartman.

"OW! What the fuck?" Cartman yelled back, letting go of Ella and grabbing his arm.

"Serves you right fatass," Ella said, rubbing her own sore arm. Stan looked up at his sister and gave her a small smile.

"You okay?" Stan asked, walking to his sister, shoving Catman out of the way. He was pouting and giving Ella an evil look.

"I'm fine, it just hurts a little," Ella said, sitting back down and putting her head in her hands. "I'm so tired, we can't keep sneaking out at night to play this stupid game,"

"Ha! Never! We play this game until we die!" Cartman yelled, as the bell rung.

"Alright, class settle down, M'kay," The teacher said, walking to the room.

"Oh god, this is going to be a long day," Ella whispered to Kyle. Kyle laughed.

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