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I did Lyrical's hair wrapped it up helped her into her pajamas then just sat in bed talking like we always did before both going to bed.

"So why can't I call you mommy?" She asked as I looked at her "lyric I know I take care of you like you're my daughter but I'm your sister not your mother" I said as she laid cuddled under me.

"But I want to call you mommy" she said and looked at me as I sighed. I knew this was going to happen sooner or later. So I was just going to change the subject.

"What you talk to Arthur about?" I asked as she smiled "about my tooth and the tooth fairy and school" she said excitedly as I smiled.

"What about breathing under water?" I asked as she got quiet. "I don't want my friends to think I'm scary" she said lowly.
"It's okay boop you're not" I said kissing her head.

"Now you got to get ready for bed you got school in the morning" I said as we got up.  "Wait we got to say goodnight to Arthur" she said as I rolled my eyes.

She grabbed my hand as we went downstairs. He was laying there watching tv as lyrical jumped on him and he instantly smiled , hugging her as she giggled and I smiled some.

"promise after school we will go to the beach" she said as they linked pinkies "I promise" he stated as she smiled and hugged him.

"Good night" she said "good night don't let the bed bugs bite" Arthur said as lyrical ran hugging my legs "good night sissy love you" she said as I kissed her cheek and hugged her night. "Night lyric" I said as she ran upstairs to her room.

I looked at Arthur then sighed lowly "there's a guest room upstairs" I stated as he got up and followed me to the room.

"Here try not to break anything" I said being sarcastic walking pass him out the room.

I got in the bed and went to sleep I woke up around two something in the morning hot so I took off my pants and shirt leaving myself in a sports bra and pair of boy shorts.

I went downstairs getting a glass of water and some chips. I was standing against the island eating in the dark til I heard someone coming down the steps.

I looked up and turned on the lights then seen Arthur with no shirt on and smacked my lips going back to eating.

"I came to get something to drink" he stated then brushed pass me on purpose getting a cup of some water.

I finished my little midnight snack then was heading upstairs til I felt someone grab my waist. I giggled "stop I want to go back to sleep" I said all bubbly til I caught myself.

"No I'm sleepy" I said moving from him and going to my room. I went back to sleep.

I woke up to the doorbell ringing I picked up my phone squinting and seeing Lydia as a missed call.

I got up fast and threw on a robe running downstairs to open the door for Lydia then ran back upstairs to wake Lyrical up.

"You're late come on" I said handing her, her outfit. She got dressed as I ran back downstairs to cook breakfast.

"Girl what happened to me doing your hair and you being ready?" Lydia asked.

"Lyrical is running late" I said making Lyrical a bowl of cereal. "Ill take her you don't need to be stressed today is about you relaxing" she said as I nodded.

"Alright" I said really ignoring her about to dart back upstairs "Y/N!" She said as I turned "I got it just get ready" she said as I sighed and walked upstairs.

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