8 - Dinner Together

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Later that night when the both of you were done with your jobs, you went to cook dinner in the kitchen. You had gotten some mediocre writing done throughout the day, and the place was incredibly clean thanks to Hoseok.

You opened the cupboard peered inside for ingredients as Hoseok sat down at the bar behind you. Aside from your disastrous adventure this morning, it had been a lovely day and you were in a good mood. The cupboards were surprisingly well stocked considering only Hoseok had been living here, he must like to cook. That's cute, you thought to yourself. 

After opening the modern-looking fridge, you could confirm that you had all the ingredients to make Bulgogi. Hoseok watched as you pulled everything out and set it on the counter before him, putting the beef and other necessary parts into a bowl to marinate for 30 minutes while you began to cut the green onions.

"Can I help?" Hoseok asked but you shook your head at him.

"It's my treat, to thank you for this morning."  

"Help? I hardly did a thing. I should be thanking you for the adventure." You laughed and he smiled cheekily at you. After a moment, you realized that you had stopped cutting the onions and hurried to begin again. Your cheeks were a bit flushed and so you looked down to focus on the food. 

When the meat was done marinating, you put it on the stove to begin cooking. Hoseok stood and came over beside the oven to watch your masterful cooking skills. He was leaning against the counter and was obviously trying not to be distracting but you couldn't help but glance over every now and then. And just when you thought you could focus, a hand reached over and snatched a small piece of meat.

"Hoseok!" He grinned as he immediately plopped it in his mouth and you watched his eyes go from playful to very wide and shocked.

"OW!" He shouted, fanning his gaping mouth. "It's hot!"

You couldn't help but laugh a bit. "Of course it is, you grabbed it straight from the pan Hoseok!" He looked at you, wide eyed and still a bit in shock.

"Tasted great. Definitely worth it." He said, now trying to recover. You grinned at him and he cracked an embarrassed smile.

When it was all done, you seasoned it and set it on the counter. The two of you went to sit on the bar seats and you dished the food.

It was a delicious meal and the two of you had a lovely evening together, eating and laughing into the night.

Ok so
I took the ACT yesterday (most important test in American high-schools)

that's why I haven't been updating as much, studying and such
anyways it went well so I managed to write this chapter afterwards

hope you all have a lovely day!

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