7 - Hot Tea

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Hoseok brought over the tea and sat down across the couch from you. You mumbled a thank you and he smiled in return. You wanted to ask more about the tattoos but he had already begun drawing drawing them on again so you just sipped your tea and watched.

You hardly noticed how scalding the tea was because you were so enchanted with the drawings. The designs on his arms were taking different shapes then before, this time it sported trees and twisty vines. It's almost like your experience this morning was manifesting itself on his body.

It was a nearly perfect scene before you. The rain hitting the window, the hot drink in your hands, the beautiful boy beside you, and the stunning flashes of lightning that occasionally lit the room.

Neither of you spoke, rather you sat together in comfortable silence. Since he was drawing, you were able to really admire him. You watched his hands gently decorate his toned arms, and his dark eyes focus on his work. His dark wet hair was drying a bit wavy and it shone gloriously in the morning light. 

The sun was just raising above the mountains and it's dim light fought to show through the clouds. It was a battle and the sun was losing, leaving the sky a dark faded grey color that you felt in your soul. 

You almost asked him about the drawings. The question was on the very tip of your tongue. But the inquiry was too daunting, so you said nothing and let the thunder fill the quiet instead.

All too soon, his arms were covered again in black ink and it was time for him to work. He stood and with a smile to you, he went away to clean the cabin. Without him, the scenery didn't seem quiet so magical so you got up as well.

You explored the place as he cleaned, occasionally passing each other and exchanging bashful smiles and quiet words. You were beginning to really like him, however strong your opposing feelings had been the day before. 

As you wandered the different rooms, you began to notice small and unusual things. A line of polished pebbles along a bookshelf. A small porcelain elephant on the piano in the music room. 

And when you mentioned them to Hoseok in passing, he just grinned and continued his work. 

This is possibly my favourite chapter yet. Thoughts?
3 chapters away from the end, everything will come together.

Hope everyone is having a lovely holiday :)

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