3 - Small Things

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Hoseok stood up, likely to go work. But when he reached the door, he paused and looked at you. "Hey by the way...since we'll be sleeping in the same room, you should know that I talk in my sleep. Don't pay it any attention, it's all nonsense."

His cheeks were lightly tinted red and you realized he was embarrassed of it. "I'll sleep with earbuds in," You said and he nodded, obviously relieved. After a moment, he exited and you were left alone to unpack. 

You unzipped your bag and then looked around for where your clothes were supposed to go. There were two doors between the beds, so one must lead to a closet, right? You opened the one closest to your bed and....it was a bathroom. A very nice one you might add, but not what you were looking for. 

You tried the other one and....jackpot! You flipped the lights on to see a nice walk-in closet that was full of clothes on one side. They must have been Hoseok's, so you took the empty side and began to hang up your clothes. You noticed some flannel on Hoseok's side and grinned to yourself, thinking that if you needed some then you could probably steal one of his.

After you finished unpacking clothes, you went back into the bedroom and took out your laptop so that you could start your writing. Now that you were done moving around, you were able to focus on just thinking. You looked around the room, noticing little things that you hadn't seen before.

Next to Hoseok's bed there was a small leafy houseplant in a cute white pot. The leaves were green on top and purple underneath, it was oddly endearing to you. 

There were also a few intricately folded origami shapes hanging from the ceiling. You identified one as a swan and another as a rocket. You assumed that Hoseok must have made them since your grandfather couldn't have.

You smiled to yourself and went back to writing. All of those things had put you in a slightly better mood. You felt like you were at home.

You managed to type out a good chapter or two as the sun out the window went down and it became dark. Hoseok eventually came back into the room when he was done cleaning and the two of you quietly sat in one another's company as you worked and he was on his phone. And you wouldn't ever admit it, but you enjoyed it. 

Eventually, the two of you fell asleep in the moonlight pouring in through the window.

Hello everyone!
I'm feeling better today so thanks for the well wishes you guys!

The plant I mentioned is called a Purple Waffle Plant and I used to have one in my room. They're so cute I love them 😭

Have a good day, loves.

Things of Little Importance - JHSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon